Total capacity of Ukrainian cement plants is expected to grow by 30% to 30Mta by 2015, according to the latest forecast by Ukrcement, the Ukrainian association of cement producers.
According to Peter Lopatyev, CEO of the Ukrcement, current production capacity stands at 23Mta for cement and 20Mta for clinker, rising to 29-30Mta and 25Mta, respectively, by 2015.
This will be mainly due to ongoing modernisation of leading Ukrainian cement plants such as Podolsky Cement and Volyn Cement, as well as the construction of a new plant, known as Alttsem, in Crimea.

For the first five months of the current year total production of cement in Ukraine amounted to 3.23Mt.

Most of the Ukraine’s cement (27%) is sold in the northern region of the country. The consumption of the southern region is estimated at 23.3%, 21.7% in the Western region, and 13.8% in the Eastern region.

So far, HeidelbergCement Group remains the largest supplier of cement in the Ukrainian market with a 21% share of total output. The second place is taken by Dyckerhoff Ukraine 18.3% and in third place is Eurocement Group-Ukraine with 18.2%.

At present the Ukrainian cement industry employ more than 6000 people, with the average wage estimated at UAH3548  (US$443) per month.

In 2010 the average per capita cement consumption in Ukraine, amounted to 195.5kg, compared to 205kg in 2009, and 302kg in 2007.