Cement production in Colombia in February 2011 stood at 754,075t, up 1.7 per cent on the same month in 2010. According to the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica (DANE) deliveries were also up 2.1 per cent compared to February 2010. "This increase occurred due to the rise in the amount that is sent to the ready-mix, which contributed 4.4 percentage points to annual variation, in the other channels, shipments fell."

The largest increases were recorded in the regions of Atlántico, Bolívar, Santander, Cordoba and Cesar, who together contributed 3.4 percentage points.

Output registered a slight drop of 0.9 per cent in February compared to January. Similarly, shipments fell 1.4 per cent, falling from 736,902t in January to 726,419t in February.