Cement prices have started to decline in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, as competition intensifies on the back of a slowdown in the local construction sector. Prices have fallen to BOB44-48/50kg bag (US$6.37-6.95) from BOB52-56 per bag in March 2017. The number of construction works in the area is below levels recorded in 2015-16, with large projects delayed, according to Esmerk Latin American News.
Cement that cannot be sold domestically is exported to Paraguay. Last year exports to the country reached 158,194t out of the total of 162,175t, and is set to continue with exports to Paraguay hitting 72,265t out of 76,533t in 1H18. In 2017, the country’s total sales of cement exports was US$10.2m.
Although there is oversupply, the country imported 101,991t of cement worth US$10.1m in 1H18 and Ecebol’s new 1.3Mta Oruro facility is due to begin operations in March 2019. Meanwhile, Bolivia-based Fancesa expects to produce and sell 1.03Mt of cement in 2018.
Cement consumption in the country is expected to stabilise in 2019.