Cement deliveries in Uruguay saw a 33.8 per cent YoY advance in March 2021 to 71,027t from 53,083t in March 2020. This follows a 6.8 per cent increase to 65,680t in February and a 9.3 per cent uptick to 53,268t in January 2021, according to the country’s cement association, Asociación de Fabricantes de Cemento Portland del Uruguay (AFCPU).
Exports reached 6349t in March 2021, up 156.4 per cent YoY from 2476t in March 2020. In February 2021 exports increased 37.7 per cent YoY to 3615t while in January overseas shipments were up 9.3 per cent YoY to 3109t.
January-March 2021
Domestic sales in the 1Q21 advanced 16.3 per cent YoY to 189,976t from 163,318t in the 1Q20. Exports increased by 87.7 per cent to 13,073t between January-March 2021 from 6966t in the year-ago period.
Bangladesh's cement industry sales contracted in 2024
Bangladesh's cement industry faced a challenging year in 2024, with sales contracting significan...