Azerbaijani cement companies produced 3.725Mt of cement in 2023, up 4.6 per cent YoY, according to the State Statistics Committee. Clinker output reached 3.869Mt, representing a YoY increase of 36.9 per cent.
The country's cement production base consists of four cement producers, each operating a single integrated plant. Norm Cement operates the largest cement works, a 2.1Mta unit at Qizildas, followed by Holcim Azerbaijan with its 1.7Mta plant at Qaradag and Kazakh Cement Plant LLC with a 1.5Mta unitin Gazakh. The smallest plant belongs to Gemikaya Azerbaijan, which operates a 0.26Mta unit at Araz.

Spanish cement market expands 8% in January
Cement consumption in Spain grew by 7.5 per cent YoY in January to 1,134,659t, reported the Span...