Peru-based Unacem saw its shipments jump by 96.4 per cent YoY to 324,000t in the 2Q24 following its acquisition of the Tehachapi cement plant in California, USA.
"This significant growth is partially explained by the addition of Tehachapi to the portfolio (...), which contributed 159,000 tons of cement," added the company in the Management Discussion and Analysis document sent to the Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores (SMV).
Ready-mix concrete volumes were 254,000m3 while aggregate volumes were 406,000t.
However, in its domestic market of Peru, Unacem reported cement dispatch volumes of 1,372,000t, down 2.8 per cent YoY while total revenues shrank by 1.6 per cent to PEN653.4m (US$173.8m).
"The decrease in revenues is explained by a lower volume shipped, partially offset by the higher average price. The EBTIDA for the quarter was PEN232m, 15.4 per cent higher than in the second quarter of 2023, due to operating efficiencies in fuel," the company said.
Ready-mix concrete shipments by its subsidiary Unicon Peru were up 21.5 per cent YoY to 729,000m3, resulting in an 18.5 per cent increase in revenues to PEN333m. The company attributed the rise to a higher volume of large infrastructure works.
In Ecuador cement shipments reached 295,000t and the company saw a total revenue of US$41.1m while in Chile cement shipments reached 113,000t and revenues advanced by 12.5 per cent YoY to CLP12.481bn (US$13.2m). Unicon Chile delivered 170,000m3 of ready-mix concrete.

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