Cement News tagged under: Cembureau

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CEMBUREAU calls for "thorough debate" on CCUS

24 November 2022, Published under Cement News

Although there has never been a more exciting time for carbon capture, EU policies need to provide a predicable regulatory framework and allow for a strong business case, according to Koen Coppenholle, CEO of CEMBUREAU. Recent months have seen significant headway in carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) in the EU, with a large number of pilot and demonstration projects launched, some of which are expected to be operational by 2024. Politically, carbon capture is also gathering mo...

No back tracking on Europe's Green Deal

14 October 2022, Published under Cement News

The introduction of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), energy price rises and implementation of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) across Europe have heightened fears that the Green Deal may become harder to see out for EU countries. Discussions may well move some of the pricing for taxes and levies, but the European Commission is clear that there will be no backtracking on its environmental commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 per cent by 203...

Energy crisis - plant closure warning

09 September 2022, Published under Cement News

CEMBUREAU this week called for urgent action at a European and national level to help tackle the rising cost of energy, which it warns “will lead to widespread plant closures across the EU, creating a crisis in the construction supply chain.” Some EU member states have seen their electricity prices increase 10-fold compared to last year. According to CEMBUREAU, 1t of cement requires around 110kwh of electricity to produce. With electricity prices now between EUR700-1000mwh in several EU memb...

Cembureau warns of EU plant closures

06 September 2022, Published under Cement News

In light of rising energy prices across Europe, CEMBUREAU has issued advice for its members to help support energy-intensive industries and households alike. According to CEMBUREAU, a 10-fold increase in electricity prices compared to last year has led to a tripling in the cost of producing cement. “Unless urgent actions are taken at both European and national level, the current energy prices will lead to widespread plant closures across the EU, creating a crisis in the construction supply c...

The growing need to recycle concrete safely and responsibly

24 June 2022, Published under Cement News

This week Holcim announced that it has successfully created the first clinker made entirely of recycled minerals and concrete. The circular economy can be truly closed in a circle if concrete can be reused to make clinker and in turn cement. Holcim believes the process will improve decarbonisation of the industry and help to reach net-zero emissions. However, there are many arguments against the recycling concrete for new buildings and cement manufacture. Holcim's breakthrough research a...

CEMBUREAU asks for speedy CBAM implementation

23 June 2022, Published under Cement News

The European cement association CEMBUREAU has welcomed the adoption of the European Parliament reports on the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) but states that timely implementation of CBAM is key to support the sector’s transition to carbon neutrality. "Our sector needs a coherent and predictable regulatory framework to deliver on its carbon neutrality ambitions. The texts adopted today offer significant improvements on key issues – suc...

Cembureau calls MEPs to secure a timely ETS and CBAM agreement

10 June 2022, Published under Cement News

C EMBUREAU (European Cement Association) expressed its disappointment at the European Parliament plenary votes on the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). “The EU cement industry needs a strong CBAM to support our decarbonisation efforts and fight carbon leakage. Both draft European Parliament texts on ETS and CBAM contain significant improvements on some key issues – such as CBAM’s watertightness or industrial innovation, which are essen...

Construction product study to reduce global warming released

09 June 2022, Published under Cement News

A consortium of European and global trade bodies have published a peer-reviewed study entitled 'Carbon Accounting for Building Materials – An assessment of Global Warming Potential of biobased construction products' undertaken by LBP SIGHT. Achieving a net-zero carbon economy by 2050 is one of the key objectives of the European Green Deal. The study provides an assessment of the science base behind the conditions of carbon neutrality of bio-based construction products, their substitutio...

Cembureau unveils 2030 Biodiversity Roadmap for quarries

31 May 2022, Published under Cement News

Cembureau has released its 2030 Biodiversity Roadmap, setting out its vision for biodiversity in and around quarries over the coming years. Through the roadmap, the European cement industry aims to help put a stop to biodiversity loss during the lifecycle of a quarry using rehabilitation processes. According to the association, going above and beyond legal requirements can ensure that new habitats are created, and rare and threatened species can prosper and flourish.  “The European cement...

CEMBUREAU supports REpower EU plan

20 May 2022, Published under Cement News

C EMBUREAU , the association of the European cement industry, fully supports the objectives of the REPower EU plan issued by the European Commission.   The European cement association believes it is essential to complement the plan issued by concrete measures that will further contribute to reducing Europe’s energy dependency, while providing a sound business case for decarbonisation investments. C EMBUREAU recommends EU policymakers to urgently support: • the use of waste in cement...