Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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Iranian cement producer invests in solar power

29 June 2018, Published under Cement News

Iran-based Shahrekord Cement Company has had a 1.5MW photovoltaic system by Fronius Solar Energy installed at its cement plant. The project is not only unique due to the large output generated but also due to its location. The Shahrekord Cement site is 2300m above sea level in the city of Shahrekord, also known as the 'Roof of Iran'. The region is prone to hot summers and cold winters, with ambient temperatures varying between -10 and +50˚C – conditions that made this a complicated projec...

South Korea to impose stricter air pollution levels

29 June 2018, Published under Cement News

The South Korean government has tightened emission standards for air pollutants of fine-dust producing businesses such as coal-fired power plants, cement factories and steelmaking facilities. The Ministry of Environment announced Wednesday that it will cut the permissible limits for nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxides and fine dust to PM 2.5, particulate matter (PM) with a diameter of less than 2.5μm, for 31 facilities engaging in coal-fired power generation, steelmaking, oil refining and cemen...

Cemex Colombia to study solar farm construction

29 June 2018, Published under Cement News

Cemex Colombia, the mayor of Ibague and LG announced they will initiate the technical, economic and legal studies required to build a solar farm that will supply sustainable power Tolima’s public lighting system. The farm would be located on a 56ha site, owned by the Mayor’s Office on the Doima-Buenos Aires highway. Around 16ha of solar panels would be installed. The electricity generated could also be used at Cemex’s Tolima cement plant to reduce greenhouse gases.

Brazil bans 50kg bags for domestic use

21 June 2018, Published under Cement News

The Brazilian cement sector has been given a decade to phase out 50kg bags of cement and replace them with 25kg sacks following an agreement between the country’s cement producers and the government. The step is to protect the health of workers that deliver the bags to work sites and according to the Department of Work “has the aim to bring the Brazilian industry in line with constitutional and international references to protect the health of the worker”. Some 33 companies in the sector,...

Indonesian cement plants to burn medical waste

21 June 2018, Published under Cement News

Indonesia’s Environment and Forestry Ministry has asked four cement plants to burn untreated medical waste. In early April the ministry requested PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, PT Holcim Indonesia, PT Semen Padang and PT Cemindo Gemilang to burn the waste within six months. The step follows the closure of two of the country’s six medical waste companies last year as a result of legal sanctions for overcapacity issues. The closure has left medical waste from 3069 health facilities unmanage...

CIMAF Ghana invests in managing environmental impact

11 June 2018, Published under Cement News

CIMAF Ghana Ltd has allocated 15 per cent (US$9.9m) of its US$66m investment in the country to manage the environmental impact of its production facilities, according to Ghana Web. The company's 1.1Mta plant near the port of Tema was fitted with bag filters to control dust emissions and a gas analyser was installed to monitor the exhaust gas from the stacks, according to Mr Mohammed Bennis, country general manager, CIMAF. "This huge plant does not emit dust into the environment. We hav...

Nepal's Ministry of Industry identifies sites for clinker storage

11 June 2018, Published under Cement News

Nepal’s Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies has begun work to acquire land to improve transportation of imported clinker from India. Rabi Shankar Sainju, spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies, said the ministry had identified land plots in three locations near Birgunj Inland Container Depot (ICD) to manage the dust emissions of the cargo. The government plans to construct storage facilities around the ICD in Birgunj to unload clinker and fly ash. Cur...

Nepal's Ministry of Industry identifies sites for clinker storage

11 June 2018, Published under Cement News

Nepal’s Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies has begun work to acquire land to improve transportation of imported clinker from India. Rabi Shankar Sainju, spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies, said the ministry had identified land plots in three locations near Birgunj Inland Container Depot (ICD) to manage the dust emissions of the cargo. The government plans to construct storage facilities around the ICD in Birgunj to unload clinker and fly ash. Cur...

Cementos BSA signs renewable energy contract with Engie

08 June 2018, Published under Cement News

Chilean cement producer Cementos BSA has signed an agreement with energy firm Engie Energía Chile, which will supply 35GWh per year of renewable energy, according to business newspaper Estrategia. With the contract Cementos BSA becomes the first company in Chile to source its energy from solar and hydropower sources and achieve the international I-REC certification, which confirms efforts made by industry to reduce its carbon footprint. "For Cementos BSA, having the most modern cement p...

Hanson surpasses 2020 sustainability targets

07 June 2018, Published under Cement News

Hanson UK's latest sustainability report announces that the company has passed its 2020 targets for reducing both mains water use and waste to landfill while CO 2 emissions per tonne of product have fallen by 7.2 per cent to reach the lowest level for five years. The number of lost time injuries remained static at 21, but the frequency rate was down on the prior year and there was a three-month unbroken spell without a lost time injury. A major development during the year was the launc...