Cement News tagged under: Iran

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Iran nuclear deals may affect cement exports from Pakistan

11 August 2015, Published under Cement News

Pakistan exporters and brokerage houses have shown mixed reactions on Iran's nuclear deal with major world powers, with some expecting Pakistan’s cement exports to decline after the lifting of sanctions on Iran. “I think the drop in Pakistani cement exports may range between 10 and 15 per cent after December 2015,” an official of a leading cement maker told local media. An analyst at KASB Securities said the removal of sanctions on Iran will not aggravate current competition situation in...

Iranian quarterly production update

14 July 2015, Published under Cement News

Iran's Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade announced on Sunday that in the first three months of this year cement and clinker production reached 15.77Mt and 19.26Mt, respectively. Of the total, some 4.34Mt, according to the Ministry's figures. During month of Khordad (22 May - 22 June) more than 5.8Mt and 6.4Mt of cement and clinker were produced, respectively. Meanwhile, more than 12.67Mt was sold locally. The Employers Guild Association for cement industry said that in the past yea...

Pakistan: hopes of FY15-16 budget boost

03 June 2015, Published under Cement News

The Pakistan cement industry has submitted a number of proposals to the government ahead of Budget FY15-16.  The All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers’ Association has proposed a review of the Federal Excise Duty (FED), Sales Tax, import duty on coal, duties on waste and scrap tyres, duties on Iranian cement  and an increase in the allocation of funds under the government's Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP). The industry body argues that the rationalisation of taxes should help ce...

Pakistan cement exports see monthly gains

27 May 2015, Published under Cement News

Pakistan's cement exports during April 2015 showed sequential gains but declined over the first 10 months of the current fiscal on an annual comparative basis, with shipments to its main market of Afghanistan down by almost a quarter. In April 2015, Pakistan exported 614,732t of cement on revenues of US$33.36m, up by 40.02 and 33.51 per cent, respectively compared to the previous month.  However, on an annual basis, export volumes were down by 14.9 per cent while the value in dollar ter...

Pakistan export volumes and revenues down over first nine months

23 April 2015, Published under Cement News

Pakistan cement exports in the first nine months of the current fiscal fell 6.75 per cent YoY to 6Mt. Export revenues, meanwhile, were down by 6.86 per cent to US$349.04m over the July 2014-March 2015 period. In terms of the Pakistan rupee, exports fell by 9.54 per cent to PKR35.31bn and the average price was down to US$58.08m versus US$58.15m in the year-ago period. In March 2015 alone, Pakistan exported 439,017t of cement on revenues of US$24.99m, representing a MoM decline of 16.38 ...

APCMA appeals to government to save local industry from smuggling

08 April 2015, Published under Cement News

Pakistan's cement industry has made an appeal to government to put an end ot the alleged smuggling of Iranian cement into the country. The All Pakistan Cement Manufactures Association (APCMA) has requested Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Minister for Finance Ishaq Dar and Chairman of Federal Board of Revenue Tariq Bajwa to include the cement industry in its negative list of import items so that the domestic industry can utilise its 43 per cent of idle capacity. The ...

Iranian cement and clinker exports reach 17.5Mt in 11 months

16 March 2015, Published under Cement News

In the first 11 months of the Iranian calendar year (21 March 2014 – 19 February 2015), Iranian cement factories exported over 17.5Mt of cement and clinker to international markets, according to the country's trade ministry. More than 67 per cent of these bulk exports were cement and the rest clinker. Iranian cement plants have the capacity to produce 80Mta cement. The country’s share of world cement production in 2013 was 1.87 per cent. Iran exports cement to 24 countries including Ira...

Iran 11-month export update

04 March 2015, Published under Cement News

Iran exported 17.5Mt  of cement and clinker in the first 11 months of the current Iranian fiscal year (21 March  2014-19 February 2015), according to the industry's association. Secretary of Iran's Cement Industry Employers Association, Abdolreza Sheikhan said that 61Mt of cement and 64Mt of clinker were produced in the mentioned period, Iran’s ILNA news agency reported earlier this week. Iran currently exports cement to 24 countries including Iraq, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan...

Iranian full-year export expectations

16 February 2015, Published under Cement News

Iran’s exports are expected to reach 18Mt by the end of the current Iranian calendar year ending 20 March 2014, an Iranian official has said. Secretary of the Guild Association of Iran’s Cement Industry Abdolreza Sheikhan said on Saturday that Iran exported 15.9mln tons of cement and clinker in the first ten months of this year (March 21, 2014-January 20, 2015), and added that the industry is seekin to achieve a new record of exporting 18Mt by mid-March. Export destinations include Iraq...

Iranian exports exceed 14.5Mt in first nine months

28 January 2015, Published under Cement News

Iran’s cement and clinker exports have surpassed 14.5Mt in the first nine months of the Iranian calendar year (starting 21 March 2014). Of the total, 68.7 per cent were cement and the remainder clinker, news agency IRNA reported citing Iran’s Ministry of Industries and Mines. Among the country’s export destinations are Iraq, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Qatar, Turkey, the UAE, Georgia, Oman, India, and China.