Cement News tagged under: environmental

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Lafarge Jordan orders 15MW solar plant

02 November 2016, Published under Cement News

Lafarge Cement Jordan's Rashadiya cement works is to reduce production costs by generating some of its electricity by solar power. The cement producer is contracting Adenium Energy Capital to build a solar plant for the facility, which is located in the southern governorate of Tafileh. Lafarge Cement Jordan shareholders approved the solar energy project back in April, but an agreement with Adenium Energy Capital to build the15MW solar park was only signed last week, with Adenium announcing...

Egypt: cement plants to use 15% of waste by 2030

02 November 2016, Published under Cement News

The Ministry of Environment's submitted plan that seeks to encourage the increase in waste used as alternative fuel in cement plants to 15 per cent by 2030 has been approved by Egypt’s cabinet, according to the Minister of Environment, Khaled Fahmy. Mr Fahmy told Daily News Egypt that the cabinet had agreed to the plan, adding that discussions are underway with heads of plants to discuss issues they face in using waste as fuel. "The real problems facing investors in the waste recycling bus...

Uganda: Tororo Cement's trucks to be billed for road damages

27 October 2016, Published under Cement News

Tororo Cement trucks are being asked to foot the bill for damaging roads in Uganda with their heavy loads. More than 40 trucks carrying limestone, pozzolanic rocks and marble from Kosiroi mining site in Karamoja ply the route daily as they ferry the raw material to Tororo for the manufacture of cement. Uganda taxpayers risk paying an extra UGX23bn (US$6.6m) in repair of the Namunsi- Sironko- Muyembe road to offset the damage caused by heavy Tororo Cement trucks.
 However, Uganda Nation...

USA: Hagerstown plant US$96m upgrade

26 October 2016, Published under Cement News

Holcim (US) has completed a US$96m upgrade on its Hagerstown plant, Maryland. The facility has existed for over 100 years and according John Stull, CEO of US operations for LafargeHolcim, the latest improvements "really should help this plant to serve the community for another 20 to 30 years.” The project, during which the plant remained operational, took two years to complete and complies with federal environmental regulations. Oliver Terver, Hagerstown plant manager, spoke of the company...

USA: Hagerstown plant US$96m upgrade

26 October 2016, Published under Cement News

Holcim (US) has completed a US$96m upgrade on its Hagerstown plant, Maryland. The facility has existed for over 100 years and according John Stull, CEO of US operations for LafargeHolcim, the latest improvements "really should help this plant to serve the community for another 20 to 30 years.” The project, during which the plant remained operational, took two years to complete and complies with federal environmental regulations. Oliver Terver, Hagerstown plant manager, spoke of the company...

Myanmar: Myaing Kalay plant expansion opposed by locals

26 October 2016, Published under Cement News

Plans by the military-owned Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC) to expand the cement plant at Hpa-an Township in Kayin State in the country’s south-east have run into local opposition, Frontier Myanmar reports. Local activists from 10 villages neighbouring the plant have formed the Thanlwin Network to resist attempts to expand the 4000tpd Myaing Kalay plant and its captive power plant from gas to coal. Villagers opposed to the plant’s expansion have cited its impact on the local environ...

China: FLSmidth install HOTDISC® at China Resources' Hongshuihe plant

21 October 2016, Published under Cement News

FLSmidth partners with China Resources Cement (CRC) and Sino Environment Engineering Development Co Ltd (SEPETC) to process uraban and industrial waste and burn alternative fuel at CRC's Hongshuihe cement plant. FLSmidth has installed a HOTDISC® pyro-processing system that consumes 300tpd of waste to ensure the Hongshuihe plant's production of 3200tpd cement. FLSmidth is responsible for the design, engineering and integration of the integrated waste burning solution, while SEPETC is the ...

Canada: Research shows burning tyres at LafargeHolcim plant promotes sustainability

21 October 2016, Published under Cement News

Research by Dr Mark Gibson of Dalhousie University has demonstrated that LafargeHolcim’s burning of used tyres at its Brookfield plant is more environmentally sustainable than using fossil fuels, the Truro Daily reports. “The idea is that pound for pound, you get more energy from a tyre and you get less CO 2 and some other gases that end up being greenhouse gases and which are toxic”, Dr Gibson said. The plant previously applied for permission to burn tyres in 2007, but its applicatio...

Pakistan: Fecto Cement appeals mining ban

20 October 2016, Published under Cement News

Fecto Cement has requested the Islamabad High Court (IHC) to allow it to carry out stone crushing activities in the Margalla Hills, which has been listed as a national park since 1980. The cement manufacturer asked the court to declare the lease cancellation letters issued by the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) administration and the Capital Development Authority (CDA) null and void. The ICT issued a mining lease to Fecto Cement in 2013 allowing it to carry out stone crushing activities...

Belgium: LEILAC project reaches FEED phase

19 October 2016, Published under Cement News

The Low Emissions Intensity Lime & Cement (LEILAC) consortium has completed the Preliminary Front End Engineering Design (pre-FEED) study for the carbon capture pilot plant. The project will now enter the full Front End Engineering Design (FEED) phase following a decision taken at the General Assembly meeting hosted by ECN on 29 September in Petten, The Netherlands, where results from the preliminary project phase were reviewed. The five-year LEILAC project, supported by the European Uni...