Cement News tagged under: exports

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China's imports from Vietnam rise 36%

30 March 2021, Published under Cement News

China, the Philippines and Bangladesh were the biggest importers of Vietnamese cement in the first two months of 2021, according to the General Department of Vietnam Customs. China imported 2.43Mt of cement worth US$79.91m, up 36.1 per cent YoY and 22.8 per cent in volume and value, respectively. The volumes accounted for 40.6 per cent of Vietnam’s total export volume and 36.8 per cent of the country’s cement export value during the 2M20. The Philippines imported 1.1Mt at a value of US...

Algeria starts clinker exports to France

29 March 2021, Published under Cement News

CILAS commenced Algerian clinker exports to France with a 9000t shipment of clinker from the port of Skikda. In the coming weeks, other shipments of 10,000t will leave Algeria for France, according to M Souakri. Clinker exports to other European countries such as Serbia and Belgium are also being considered. The company has set a clinker export target of 1Mt this year. Earlier shipments of 80,000t of clinker were sent to Guadeloupe and Martinique from Djendjen and to Cameroon and Sierra ...

Caribbean Cement looks to capitalise on growing demand

26 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Jamaica’s Caribbean Cement Co is looking to maximise its production capacity as it prepares to satisfy the increase in domestic demand, according to the Jamaica Observer. "Our current capacity is increasing every year — last year we were able to produce close to 1Mt of cement and this year we are going to exceed that as our plant has a capacity of 1.4Mta," said Yago Castro, general manager. He also noted that preparations were being made to capitalise on an additional 25-30 per cent of pr...

Tajikistan to see exports rise to 1.9Mt by 2023

19 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Tajikistan is expected to see cement exports increase by 200,000tpa and reach 1.9Mt by 2023. Overall cement production in the country is also projected to rise to 5.3Mt by the same time. More than 4.2Mt of cement was produced in 2020 and over 1.3Mt was exported to neighbouring countries, according to the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies. Uzbekistan (764,000t) and Afghanistan (505,000t) were the main importers, while 42,000 were sent to Kyrgyzstan.

Cement export from Pakistan remains fragile in 8MFY21

18 March 2021, Published under Cement News

The Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS) of Pakistan has released cement export and production data for the July 2020-February 2021 and July 2020-January 2021 periods, respectively. It shows mixed trends. Export volumes increased during this period, but revenues declined in dollar terms, reflecting a dwindling global market for cement and clinker. Meanwhile, local output increased. Export Pakistan's cement industry earned US$183.19m of export revenue by delivering 5.469Mt of cement ...

Spain’s cement consumption falls 2% in February

17 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Cement demand in Spain has declined 2.4 per cent YoY to 1,136,748t in February 2021, according to Oficemen, the country’s cement association. Cement consumption in the first two months of the year saw a 10.1 per cent drop when compared with the 2M20. In terms of exports, volumes increased by 29.2 per cent YoY in February 2021. “We are observing this export improvement with great caution. We cannot forget that we are still immersed in a pandemic situation, which still weighs on local prod...

Peru’s cement dispatches advance 14% in February

16 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Cement dispatches in Peru increased 14 per cent YoY to 1.039Mt in February 2021 from 0.91Mt in February 2020, marking the sixth-consecutive monthly rise, according to the country’s cement producers’ association, Asocem. Domestic cement output of Asocem members advanced 17 per cent YoY from 0.849Mt to 0.993Mt in February 2021 while clinker output edged up three per cent from 0.784Mt to 0.807Mt in the same period. Production from Peruvian cement plants was supplemented by 70,000t of cement...

February sees 14% pick-up in Brazilian cement sales

10 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Cement sales in Brazil increased 14 per cent YoY to 4.7Mt in February 2021, according to the country’s cement association, SNIC. Key drivers of the market expansion were the maintenance of real estate works and self-construction as well as favourable weather. Cement sales per working day increased 5.4 per cent MoM and 16.4 per cent YoY to 234,100t. Exports were up from 11,000t in February 2020 to 29,000t in February 2021. As a result, the domestic cement market expanded by 11.8 per cent Yo...

Argentine demand advances 18% in February

09 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Argentina’s cement market expanded by 18.2 per cent YoY but contracted 9.3 per cent MoM to 686,602t in February 2021, according to the country's cement association, AFCP. The market was supplied by domestic producers with no imports reported. In addition, Argentina’s cement producers exported 8557t of cement, up 2.2 per cent YoY. January-February 2021 In the first two months of 2021 Argentine cement consumption increased 19.2 per cent to 1.707Mt from 1.432Mt in January-February 2020, wi...

Cemex Dominicana plans to recommission kiln line

09 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Cemex announced that it expected to recommission one of its product lines at the San Pedro de Macoris plant in the Dominican Republic. This would imply an increase of 33 per cent in the company’s cement supply in the country and would help serve the growth in the Caribbean construction sector. By reactivating the Line No 1 at the San Pedro de Macoris plant, Cemex will add more than 500,000tpa of cement. The restart is scheduled for 1Q21 and is part of the Cemex Dominicana growth plant to ...