Cement News tagged under: international

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USA: preliminary September cement shipments total 8.78Mt

24 November 2016, Published under Cement News

Preliminary data published by the US Geological Survey (USGS) concerning US shipments of cement in September 2016 estimates that Portland and blended cement consumption fell to 8.78Mt for the month, down from the month prior when total shipments reached 9.4Mt. Of the 8.78Mt total, foreign imports accounted for 1.04Mt. For YtD, end-September, US shipments of cement were estimated at 70.38Mt. Total shipments of finished Portland cement are noted at 8.56Mt, with 74,878t exported to foreign c...

Ghana: authorities accuse Chinese ship of smuggling cement

23 November 2016, Published under Cement News

Ghanaian customs officials have prevented a Chinese-registered vessel – the Guo Tou 106 – from offloading bagged cement at Tema port for which it had no import licence, the Chronicle newspaper reports. According to the article, the ship’s owners had initially told the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority that its cargo was steel products, but at a subsequent meeting the crew admitted that they were transporting other items, including bagged cement. The ship has been allowed to offload th...

Russia sees 9% fall in 3Q cement demand and output

22 November 2016, Published under Cement News

Russia’s cement consumption and output noted a nine per cent fall in the third quarter of 2016 when compared with the same period a year ago. Volumes decreased to 18.39Mt and 18.35Mt, respectively, according to Construction.ru. The market contraction has been attributed to a four per cent decrease in construction work volume. The country’s cement plants saw an average capacity utilisation of 70.4 per cent in 3Q16, down 7.3 percentage points when compared with 3Q15. Tulacement came at the t...

Cambodia: new plant proposal

22 November 2016, Published under Cement News

A meeting between Chinese-owned Cambodia Capital Mineral Resources Co (CCMRC) and the Ministry of Mines and Energy saw Li Xiao Ming, CCMRC president, put forward the idea of building a cement processing plant to boost supply for the country’s construction industry. The meeting between CCMRC and the Ministry intended to seek government support before any feasibility studies begin. Minister Suy Sem implied that the project will receive government approval. Meng Saktheara, secretary of state...

Pakistan: increased coal prices concern APCMA

21 November 2016, Published under Cement News

The All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association (APCMA) has voiced its concern regarding steep increases in coal prices, which in turn is impacting the cost of cement production. Coal prices have increased from US$54/t in May 2016 to US$105/t. With coal constituting more than 30 per cent of total production cost, cement manufacturers’ have witnessed a significant decline in profits. The price of coal has gradually increased since May 2016 when China imposed supplyside measures to limit ...

Mexican peso depreciation causes substantial hike in cement prices

21 November 2016, Published under Cement News

The depreciation of the Mexican peso against the US dollar has impacted negatively on the price cement and other building materials. In the year to date, cement prices have increased 14.8 per cent and between January 2015 and October 2016, prices have seen upward adjustments of 30 per cent, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi). The increase in building material prices is due to their indexation in dollars and are quoted in international prices. The r...

Spain: demand sees 7% YoY decrease in October 2016

18 November 2016, Published under Cement News

Cement consumption in Spain fell 7.2 per cent YoY in October to 936,568t, according to the Spanish cement association, Oficemen. For the first 10 months of 2016, cement demand has fallen by 3.4 per cent YoY to 9,328,077t – 324,831t less than in 10M15. Oficemen expects full-year cement consumption to fall by over three per cent.

Nepal: new government certification for cement

18 November 2016, Published under Cement News

The Nepali government will start the certification of domestic cement brands according to quality in three months’ time, enabling them to compete in the market with foreign cement brands. Certification will be carried out with cement falling under one of three categories: 33, 43 and 53. At present the government does not have any legal provision to certify cement that is graded higher than 33 and therefore, all cement brands in Nepal are certified as 33-grade although producers have b...

Saudi Arabia shifts focus as spending curtailed

18 November 2016, Published under Cement News

With the publication of the 2016 budget, Saudi Arabia has put an end to the high rates of spending prevalent before a subdued oil price environment took hold. However, the oil crash has prompted diversification and this means further investment in other sectors can be expected through the government’s Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Programme. Total cement sales in Saudi Arabia fell 6.8 per cent YoY to 47Mt in the first 10 months of 2016, according to a report from Al Rajhi C...

Philippine cement sales growth slows in 3Q16

17 November 2016, Published under Cement News

While cement sales growth in the Philippines slowed in 3Q16, continued construction activities saw 9M16 cement sales record double-digit growth. Nine-month sales increased 10.1 per cent to 20.12Mt, according to Cement Manufacturers Assocation of the Philippines President, Ernesto Ordoñez. “The year-to-date increase shows the overall continued uptrend in government infrastructure spending, as well as the private sectors’ increased contribution due to confidence in the Philippine government...