Societe de Ciment de Cote d'Ivoire sees inauguration second plant
Côte d’Ivoire’s Prime Minister, Jérôme Patrick Achi, has inaugurated the second cement plant of ...
Côte d’Ivoire’s Prime Minister, Jérôme Patrick Achi, has inaugurated the second cement plant of ...
Philippines-based Solid Cement Corp , part of Cemex Holding Philippines, will finally move forw...
On 27 January Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari inaugurated BUA Cement ’s 3Mta Line 4 at the ...
Ramco Cements Ltd is expected to bring online its 2.25Mta clinker plant in Kurnool, India, in ...
A total of 10ha of land have been transformed in the village of Tunuk-Suu, in the Batken region ...
The Sakhalin Oblast Development Corp is planning the construction of a cement plant in Smirnykho...
Senegal’s SOCOCIM has launched its “Climate Plan” to reduce its carbon footprint by opening a ne...
India’s Sagar Cements is reportedly increasing capacity to 8.25Mta by the end of December, accor...
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has commissioned the switching station in Dhading district tha...
India’s Birla Corp is setting a new target of reaching 30Mta of production capacity by 2027. Its...