Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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UK co-processing report receives MPA backing

18 January 2018, Published under Cement News

The MPA has welcomed a report entitled 'From waste to resource productivity', which draws on evidence on waste from a range of industry, academic and government sources. Written by the former Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Mark Walport, and co-authored by Professor Ian Boyd, the Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the report explores how waste can be treated as a valuable resource and use new technology and approaches to ge...

Lafarge Canada provides update on its two low-carbon fuel studies

18 January 2018, Published under Cement News

Lafarge Canada’s kiln-fuel study in Alberta announced last week will not be the same as the tyre-burning pilot it has applied for at its Brookfield plant, reports The Chronicle Herald. The Alberta study will examine the environmental effects of introducing low-carbon fuels into its Exshaw plant and will not be completed until December 2019. "It's different processes, it won’t be the same type of process at all," said Rob Cumming, environmental director at Lafarge. Regarding the Brookf...

Cembureau highlights role of cement industry in EU plastic waste disposal

17 January 2018, Published under Cement News

Following the European Commission's initiative to develop a dedicated plastics strategy in a circular economy, published on 16 January, the European cement association, Cembureau, has highlighted the part played by the cement industry in reducing plastic waste. Apart from the importance of the need for a ban on landfill of recoverable and recyclable waste, the organisation urges policymakers to strongly focus on the recognition that cement plants can treat different waste streams such as ...

UltraTech to take waste of railway workshop

17 January 2018, Published under Cement News

UltraTech Cement has entered into an agreement with Golden Rock Railway Workshop based in Tamil Nadu, to take its waste for co-processing. The workshop expects to provide Ultratech with approximately 400t of zero-value non-hazardous waste over the next 3-6 months, according to The Hindu. "It is a win-win situation for both organisations as the zero-waste would serve as an alternative fuel in the cement kiln," said a senior workshop official. The waste had accumulated at the workshop pr...

Republic Cement honoured with Quarry Operations Award

15 January 2018, Published under Cement News

Republic Cement’s Teresa, Rizal, plant site has won the Presidential Mineral Industry Environmental Award-Platinum Achievement Award for Quarry Operations at the 64th Annual National Mine Safety and Environment Conference in Baguio City. This honour is given to companies that have exhibited outstanding levels of dedication, initiative and innovation in working toward environmental protection, safety and health management and community development. In addition to its quarry award, Republ...

Lafarge starts low-carbon fuel research project

12 January 2018, Published under Cement News

Lafarge Canada Inc, in cooperation with the University of Calgary, Queen’s University and Pembina Institute, is carrying out a million-dollar study on the environmental benefits of introducing lower-carbon fuels at its Exshaw Cement plant in Alberta, Canada. “Our estimates show each 20 per cent incremental replacement of natural gas at the Exshaw Cement Plant with lower carbon fuels could result in the elimination of nearly 75,000tpa of CO2. This is the equivalent of taking over 16,000 ca...

Vicat enters EUR1.3m ARM venture with Serpol

11 January 2018, Published under Cement News

Vicat and Serpol have entered a EUR1.3m joint venture, Terenvie, to treat oil-polluted soil and turn it to cleaned, mineral-rich land. This source of silica or clay can then be used as “a partial replacement (five per cent) of quarry materials, to save natural resources without impacting the quality of the cement, perfectly standardised,” said Stéphane Rutkowski, manager at Vicat. Earthworks produce around 5Mta of oil-polluted soil at the sites of former service stations, oil depots or ac...

Punjab cement industry to be regulated after three decades

08 January 2018, Published under Cement News

The cement industry in Punjab, Pakistan, is being brought under regulatory control of the provincial government again, after 29 years. The decision to once again regulate the cement industry was taken during a marathon meeting of a committee, led by Chief Secretary Zahid Saeed, two days ago at the Civil Secretariat. Five provincial ministers, several administrative secretaries of the departments concerned and MPAs from the Salt Range attended the meeting during which every aspect of the r...

Loma Negra to buy 15MW of renewable energy from Genneia

05 January 2018, Published under Cement News

Argentina’s Loma Negra will purchase 15MW of power from renewable energy company Genneia. The power will be generated by Genneia’s Rawson wind farm in Chubut province. Genneia has invested US$40m to expand the installed capacity of the wind farm by 24MW to 108.7MW. Most of the additional power will be bought by Loma Negra in a 20-year power supply agreement that will see the cement company lift its share of renewable power in its total electricity demand to eight per cent by the end of 201...

Vietnam to place 28 industrial facilities under special environmental control

05 January 2018, Published under Cement News

The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (MONRE) in Vietnam is planning to place 28 industrial production facilities across a range of sectors under special environmental control, reports Vietnam Net. MONRE has highlighted the cement industry as being one of the industrial production sectors at a high-risk level. The special control project will assess the efforts of facilities to reduce the risk of pollution and to enable fast solutions if any immediate problems ar...