Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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Lafarge has second biggest CO2 surplus, Sandbag Says

21 June 2011, Published under Cement News

Lafarge has a carbon-permit surplus worth about of 29.4 million permits, the second largest excess in the European Union’s emissions trading system, environmental lobby, Sandbag said. Lafarge’s permits are valued at about EUR501m. ArcelorMittal (MT) has the largest surplus, holding around 97.2 million excess allowances from the period from 2008 to 2010 and worth about EUR1.7bn. The 10 companies with the biggest excesses of allowances, “all of them steel and cement companies, share between ...

FLSmidth obtains exclusive rights for Kalina Cycle®

20 June 2011, Published under Cement News

FLSmidth has signed a licensing agreement with Wasabi Energy for its Kalina Cycle® technology. The Kalina Cycle technology is able to recover waste heat from industrial process gas streams and convert the waste heat to usable electrical energy. It is one of the most efficient waste-heat-to-power systems on the market and with the licensing agreement FLSmidth obtains exclusive rights to offer this technology to the cement and lime manufacturing industry globally, except in very few countries...

Lafarge in disaster testing, UK

19 June 2011, Published under Cement News

Employees at Lafarge Cement’s Westbury distribution site are carrying out an exercise to test their safety skills and disaster readiness next week. The operation will involve Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service equipment and vehicles arriving to help deal with a simulated blaze and casualties to make the event as realistic as possible. “Whilst we have a small team here, we run a complex logistics operation,” said distribution manager Simon Gray. “Whilst we work hard to ensure emergencies...

Ceratech receives investment from Cementos Argos

17 June 2011, Published under Cement News

Ceratech, Inc. has accepted another strategic equity investment, this time from Colombian cement producer Cementos Argos. The Ceratech investment follows Argos’ recent expansion of their U.S. presence through a US$760m purchase of Lafarge assets in the southeastern US, the company noted. The Ceratech investment is strategic in meeting Argos’ goal of building a competitive advantage based on sustainability. Ceratech said that its cement manufacturing process produces "sustainable cements" u...

Cemex Fairborn seeks to rezone land, USA

17 June 2011, Published under Cement News

More than 100 residents arrived at the Xenia Township trustee’s office to voice their concerns with Cemex. The company asked city leaders to rezone nearly 290 acres of land for mining purposes for its Fairborn works in Ohio. Residents who live near the land Cemex wants are concerned with how the new operations will affect their property values and water wells. There are also concerns with the potential increase in noise levels and traffic flow. "When Cemex bought the land it was zoned, agr...

CEMBUREAU calls for clear plant rationalisation rules

17 June 2011, Published under Cement News

A sense of urgency prevails in the European Commission and many Member States as the full set of Guidance Documents on Allocation Rules are not yet completed and the deadline for Member States to propose their plans for free allocation to the Commission by end September 2011 is approaching fast, CEMBUREAU recently said in a statement. In fact, at the time this Eurobrief goes to press, all Guidance Documents but one – Guidance Document 7 “New entrants and plant closures” – have been fina...

EIA to be finalised in Aug for proposed new Indonesian plant

17 June 2011, Published under Cement News

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of PT Sahabat Mulya Sejati’s cement factory in Pati, Central Java, is expected to finished by August. “The result can be used as a reference to decide the feasibility of the cement factory construction,” PT Sahabat Mulya CEO, Alexander Frans said yesterday. Alex said that his company had employed PT Mitra Adi Pranata Semarang, led by Poerna Sri Oetari, to prepare the EIA.

Green taxes counterproductive?

16 June 2011, Published under Cement News

‘Green taxes’ in the United Kingdom used to pay for more wind power are making it too expensive for wind turbine components, a group said. The tax measures are intended to fund efforts to generate about 30 per cent of the country’s electricity from wind energy by 2020. Heavy industrial sectors like cement and steel, however, face heavy tax burdens under the so-called green tax. The Confederation of British Industry said some measures meant to encourage renewable energy are counterproductiv...

Cement industry increases efficiency

16 June 2011, Published under Cement News

The cement industry has achieved significant progress in improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions in 2009, according to new data released by the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI).   The latest data shows that energy consumption and CO2 emissions are lower than 2008, although some of the reductions can be attributed to a decrease in cement production accompanying the global drop in construction activity. Due to the global recession, cementitious product production ...

Tarmac wins top European health and safety award

15 June 2011, Published under Cement News

Tarmac have won European acclaim for their leading approach to health and safety at the European Good Practice Awards. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) presented the company’s West region with a Good Practice Award for its ‘Safe Maintenance’ programme. The awards, which took place in Budapest, Hungary, on the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, saw Tarmac beat companies from 23 European Union countries to win one of eight Good Practice Awards. In 2009 Tarmac ...