Cement News tagged under: international

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Pakistan sees 44% rise in demand for March

06 April 2021, Published under Cement News

Pakistan’s cement sector posted its highest-ever monthly growth of 44.4 per cent YoY for March 2021, rising to 5.773Mt from 3.722Mt in the year-ago period on the back of an increase in domestic consumption and exports. The All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association reported a 42 per cent increase in local cement dispatches to 4.563Mt, compared to 3.214Mt in March 2020. Exports also advanced 60 per cent YoY from 507,480t to 810,962t. During the 9MFY20-21, total cement dispatches clim...

Colombian cement market expands 5% in February

06 April 2021, Published under Cement News

Cement dispatches in Colombia increased 5.3 per cent to 1.079Mt in February 2021 when compared with 1.025Mt in February 2020, according to the country’s statistics office, DANE. Bagged cement sales were up by 11.8 per cent in February but bulk sales fell 7.2 per cent YoY. The retail sector accounted for all of this growth, with sales expanding by 16.9 per cent. In contrast, there was an 11 per cent drop in offtake by ready-mix concrete companies while sales to construction companies and co...

Argentine cement price up 5%

06 April 2021, Published under Cement News

The price of a 50kg bag of cement in Argentina saw a five per cent increase to ARS820 (US$8.90) on 3 April 2021, according to El Liberal newspaper. The latest price rise has seen prices increase cumulatively by 20 per cent since December 2019.

China's imports from Vietnam rise 36%

30 March 2021, Published under Cement News

China, the Philippines and Bangladesh were the biggest importers of Vietnamese cement in the first two months of 2021, according to the General Department of Vietnam Customs. China imported 2.43Mt of cement worth US$79.91m, up 36.1 per cent YoY and 22.8 per cent in volume and value, respectively. The volumes accounted for 40.6 per cent of Vietnam’s total export volume and 36.8 per cent of the country’s cement export value during the 2M20. The Philippines imported 1.1Mt at a value of US...

Algeria starts clinker exports to France

29 March 2021, Published under Cement News

CILAS commenced Algerian clinker exports to France with a 9000t shipment of clinker from the port of Skikda. In the coming weeks, other shipments of 10,000t will leave Algeria for France, according to M Souakri. Clinker exports to other European countries such as Serbia and Belgium are also being considered. The company has set a clinker export target of 1Mt this year. Earlier shipments of 80,000t of clinker were sent to Guadeloupe and Martinique from Djendjen and to Cameroon and Sierra ...

Cement prices rise in Ghana

29 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Cement prices in Tamale, Ghana, have risen amid reports of a cement shortage, according to Ghana News Agency. Ghacem and Dangote Cement brands are being sold at GHS50 (US$8.68)/bag while Diamond Cement and other brands are currently around GHS48/bag, up from GHS47 and GHS45, respectively. Construction companies in the region are expected to pay the higher prices for the limited stock to complete their projects before the rainy season begins.

The Cement Admixtures Association joins the MPA

25 March 2021, Published under Cement News

T he Cement Admixtures Association (CAA), the trade federation for the main UK admixture manufacturers has become an Affiliate Member of the Mineral Products Association (MPA) . The agreement will enable MPA to provide support services to CAA and allow CAA to take a more active role in the vital work of MPA in promoting sustainable concrete and masonry construction, and its broader engagement with industry. CAA Chairman, Christopher Fletcher, said: "Modern admixture technology uses...

MPA's collaboration plea to UK government

24 March 2021, Published under Cement News

The UK government's aspirations for improved infrastructure, affordable housing and a green industrial revolution rely on policies that create the right conditions for a strong and sustainable UK mineral products industry, according to the Mineral Products Association (MPA).   In its new 'Priorities for Government' statement the MPA sets out the government’s 'to do' list for the sector. In return, the industry has outlined its world-leading commitments in areas such as decarbonisation, bi...

Vietnam's cement sales set to rise 2% in 1Q21

23 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Vietnam is expected to sell 8.87Mt of cement in March, up 1.5 per cent YoY, according to the latest data from the Department of Building Materials under the Ministry of Construction. The figure includes 5.02Mt of cement sold in the domestic market. State-owned VICEM is also expected to sell 1.83Mt in the domestic market and 3.85Mt of exports during the March period. As a result, Vietnam’s cement sales are estimated to have increased 1.5 per cent YoY to 22.31Mt in the first quarter of 2...

Paraguay’s INC sets 70,000bags/day output target

23 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Paraguay-based Industria Nacional de Cemento (INC) reported that the production of cement at its Vallemí plant is normalising at nearly 50,000 bags/day. The state-owned cement producer currently has a production target of 70,000 bags/day. INC President, Ernesto Benítez, said that once imported stock is sold, the INC product will be able to reach the market via the usual channels. “There is still a significant amount of this imported cement in the warehouses and this delays the departure of...