Cement News tagged under: international

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Aveng ramps up spending on cement, South Africa

18 April 2007, Published under Cement News

Construction, steel and cement group Aveng will spend R1bn-R2bn to increase capacity in its cement operations in a bid to meet soaring infrastructural demand.     CEO Carl Grim said the board had recently approved the investment. Now it is only a matter of where and when it will be spent. He said the group had imported 800,000t of cement last year because of chronic shortages, and would continue importing this year. The group’s capacity is 500,000t because Aveng did not foresee the current ...

Second cement plant to be built in Azerbaijan

18 April 2007, Published under Cement News

Construction of a second cement factory will be commence at the end of this year, according to Azerbaijan Investment Company Deputy Executive Director Riyad Gasimov.     He said that representatives from  Lafarge have visited Azerbaijan twice and have conducted the necessary feasibility studies.   Construction work is expected to take 1.5 year and the project is said to be completed by the first quarter of 2009.     Azerbaijan’s annual demand for cement is 2.6Mt, of which 50% is supplied b...

Holcim Slovensko shows SKK187m pretax profit in 2006

18 April 2007, Published under Cement News

Holcim (Slovensko), a.s., Slovakia’s largest cement producer, reported sales of its products and services at SKK 3.847bn last year – an increase of seven per cent YoY. The company made a pretax profit of SKK 187m in 2006, while it ended SKK169m in the red a year ago. “Extensive modernisation completed in 2004, in which  Holcim invested SKK2.2bn and clear customer-focused strategy brought about results,” stated the chairman of the  Holcim board of directors, Roland van Wijnen. He said that ...

Vicat to join Kazakhstan cement project

18 April 2007, Published under Cement News

France’s Vicat group has decided to join the existing project of construction of a cement plant which was initiated in February 2006 by Mr. Tursunbek Kanatbekovitch Assambaev in Kentau, south of Kazakhstan. Mr Tursunbek Kanatbekovitch Assambaev is the owner of Yuzhpolimetall group based in Shimkent and operating in mining activities. Vigier, the Swiss subsidiary of Vicat would hold a majority in the partnership. Following the fulfilment of conditions precedent, the cement plant should be b...

Liberalisation of cement prices not approved yet, Iran

18 April 2007, Published under Cement News

The liberalization of cement prices has not been approved yet, said the head of the Management and Planning Organization (MPO) here on Tuesday. In a meeting on Saturday, presided by the President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, the Economy Council thoroughly discussed the issue, Amir Mansur Borqei added. Representatives of related state organizations gave their latest accounts of the current trends in the cement production and market. The official added the Economy Council decided to set up a committ...

PDVSA and Ancap build cement plant

18 April 2007, Published under Cement News

The agreement between Venezuelan PDVSA and Uruguayan Ancap for the implementation of a  cement plant in Paysandu is about to be concluded. The agreement establishes that Ancap will construct the plant while PDVSA will supply petcoke while Ancap will supply 500,000tpa of clinker. Investment in the new plant amounts to US$200m, which is to be financed by BANDES.     

PPC, Plascon, Seta in joint training venture, South Africa

18 April 2007, Published under Cement News

Pretoria Portland Cement Company (PPC) has launched its Academy of Sales and Marketing.    The academy is a joint venture between PPC, Plascon and the Services sector education and training authority (Seta). It represents an industry first in the cement and mining industry.     John Gomersall, chief executive of PPC, says the company is committed to ongoing skills development and lifelong learning.”     “A training academy focused on developing a new breed of sales and marketing personne...

Cement sales at all-time high, India

17 April 2007, Published under Cement News

Cement sales during the fiscal ended March 31, 2007 stood at an all-time high of 155Mt as against last fiscal’s 142Mt, recording a growth of 10%. Continuing its 100% capacity utilisation since January this year, the sales during March alone crossed the monthly production level of 14.95Mt to stand at 15.08Mt and were higher than last March’s despatches of 14.24Mt. Amid government intervention in the form of the abolishment of counter-veiling duty and additional import duty at the beginning ...

Fancesa profit reaches US$10.6m

17 April 2007, Published under Cement News

Bolivian cement maker Fabrica Nacional de Cemento SA (Fancesa) is operating at its full capacity. Fancesa reported sales of 8.4m sacks of cement against 7.9m sold in 2006. Fancesa registered a profit of US$10.6m driven by its entry into big markets such as Santa Cruz. In 2006, FANCESA-CONCRETEC group reported sales of US$62.5m. The subsidiary CONCRETEC firmed position as one of the main cement producers of the country with US$2.1m profit. For this year, Fancesa plans to expand the production...

Sales of Portland cement increases in Colombia

17 April 2007, Published under Cement News

Sales of Portland cement in Colombia have increased 10.5 per cent in the first quarter of this year, if compared with Q1 2006. Sales totaled 2,107,206t surpassing in 3.1 per cent the best performance of the sector that was reached in Q1 1995 when sales totaled 2.076,946t. The information was announced by the cement producers institute el Instituto Colombiano de Productores de Cemento (ICPC).