Cement News tagged under: international

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Holcim Indonesia to raise cement output

18 January 2006, Published under Cement News

Holcim Indonesia, (formerly Semen Cibinong) plans to raise its cement output to 7.9Mt this year from 7.7Mt last year, the Jakarta Post reported, citing company president Timothy Mackay.   Mackay said Holcim is also considering raising prices if the government approves an increase in the electricity tariff, given that electricity accounts for 20 per cent of production costs, Koran Tempo reported.     A report by the Kompas newspaper said that the government plans to raise the electricity tari...

Tabuk Cement signs 500,000t contract

18 January 2006, Published under Cement News

Saudi cement producer Tabuk Cement Company (TCC) has recently signed a contract to sell some 500,000t of its 2006 output, the company’s board chairman, Salih al-Shatri, said in mid-January 2005.  The figure represents some 30 per cent of the company’s total annual production. TCC managed to sell part of its 2006 production in advance due to the high demand resulting from the construction boom in the country.  TCC registered a 22 per cent year-on-year increase in its net profit to 117.2 mln Sa...

Pakistan cement output decreases

18 January 2006, Published under Cement News

Cement production in Pakistan has recently decreased by 30 per cent due to the current spell of winter rains in the country, say sources in the cement industry. The production has reduced to 35,000 tons a day now from the earlier level of 55,000 tons a day, they added. However, industry experts are forecasting good season ahead soon after the end of winter rains. According to them, some eight new cement units would start production in the country in the current year that would further add to...

Polish cement producers expect growth

18 January 2006, Published under Cement News

Polish cement producers forecast five per cent sales growth in 2005 in comparison to the year 2004. In 2004, 11.06Mt were sold, or 4.6 per cent more than in 2003. However, sales rose only by 2.3 per cent and amounted to 11.3Mt. The first half of the year was very weak, sales decreases amounted to 20 per cent. “Since January, sales kept growing. In September, we noticed a 15 per cent growth against the same period of 2004, and in November – by 30 percent, Andrzej Balcerek, the chairman of ...

Cement cos record 10.2% growth, India

17 January 2006, Published under Cement News

Cement consumption in India recorded a healthy 10.2 per cent growth during April-November 2005, as sustained demand led to higher utilisation rates, but higher energy costs remain a cause for concern for earnings growth, according to think-tank CMIE’s monthly review.    Capacity utilisation rates of the industry improved to 86.5 per cent during the said period with major companies operating at near full capacity, prompting cement companies to venture for major capacity expansion with 4.61Mt...

Dry mortar continues to gain share in Britain

17 January 2006, Published under Cement News

Though behind a number of Continental markets, where the cement groups push the product, in terms of product acceptance, the British dry mortar market continues to expand against the background of a largely static industry. CPI Euromix, the market leader has announced the construction of a ninth plant in Great Britain, following the opening of two new plants last year, in Bristol in the autumn and in Southampton during the spring. CPI Euromix belongs to the Irish-based Grafton Group, whose m...

Akmenes lifts 2005 sales to EUR35m, Lithuania

17 January 2006, Published under Cement News

Akmenes Cementas, Lithuania’s only cement manufacturer, posted sales of LTL119.823m (EUR34.7m) for 2005, up 14 per cent from LTL105.505m in 2004. In December, however, sales fell by 19 per cent YoY  to LTL5.89m. ’Annual sales grew thanks to buoyant growth in the construction sector’, CEO Arturas Zaremba said. ’December’s sales declined due to the start of repair work.’ He said the company targets sales growth of 10-15 per cent this year, to LTL131.8-137.8m. Final results for 2005 are t...

Cement sales rise 10.64 YoY, Peru

17 January 2006, Published under Cement News

Peru’s overall cement sales rose 10.64% in 2005 to 5Mt from the 4.5Mt sold in 2004, as the economy continued to expand, the National Association of Cement Producers (Asocem) said. In December, cement sales totaled 452,700t, a 15.5% increase from December 2004. Cementos Lima led the sales in December, selling 197,789t of cement, which includes 31,054t for export, the association said. Over the course of the year, Cementos Lima sold 2,425,233t of cement, including 673,752t for export.

Vietnam’s cement sector to turn out 32.5Mt of cement

17 January 2006, Published under Cement News

The cement sector is projected to turn out 32.5Mt of cement this year, a 13.1 per cent YoY rise.     Of the figure, the Vietnam Cement Corporation will produce 13.3Mt.    In this connection, the Ministry of Construction has coordinated with the Vietnam Cement Association and the Vietnam Cement Corporation in building a plan to ensure a balance in cement and brick supply and demand for market stability.

Chinese firm seeks to build mini cement plant in W Sumatra, Indonesia

17 January 2006, Published under Cement News

Kenyon T & D Company of China has expressed interest in building a number of mini cement plants in the Indonesian province of West Sumatra with an annual capacity of 25,000t each.     The company was interested in building the facilities after it had twice sent its officials to explore the possibility of investment in the cement industry, the chief of the West Sumatra chamber of commerce and industry (Kadinda), Asnawi Bahar, said.     He said the company first sent its officials to the prov...