Alternative fuels handling: Wolfgang Schulte, BEUMER Group (Germany)

Filmed at Cemtech Europe 2015, 20-23 September, Intercontinental Hotel, Vienna, Austria.

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Thank you very much. I would like to thank the organizers for this. Cemtech organization and to have the speech here. Some words about Beumer, most of you know our company, but in the last years we have developed to a group still independent and family owned in the third generation Mr. Christopher Beumer is heading our company in the mean time we're world wide for more than 4, 000 people, and serving around the globe the customers and our turn over is around 700 million.

Beumer had different branches but I'm standing here for the cement industry and in the previous different kinds of let's say departments, you're starting of course with quarry where we can deliver long belt conveyor and pipe conveyors doing long stretches in one stretch long distances up to 12, 13 kilometers.

And then be our serving the handling systems [xx] reclaimer[sp?] system which we also can offer you. Of course everybody knows we are in back-end elevators and clinker transports what is relatively new that we are also completely doing the picking plants from the pecker[sp?] up to the [xx] how to [xx], and so so on.

And we are also of course in truck loading and so on. today we are talking about alternative fuels, and we have developed some systems for that. And I would like to present this now, so of course everybody knows energy is the main sector in the cement plant, and since oil shock in the 70's we are in this business, and we have developed at the time the tire handling system for the cement industry.

Before I come to the specific systems I would like to let's say to clarify what is going by what so you have on the 1st stage let's say its the high calorific fraction which is going to the system like hot disk or [xx] then you have the residue the right fuels. Which are going mainly to the canciner and then you have the solid recovered fuels, these are so sorted out and made to go through the main burner.

For the high calorific fraction let's say there's one specialized thing that is the whole tires calorific fraction and I think it was 10 years ago when we were all fighting the meat and bone mill at the time and that is for the solid derived tools. So the waste is sorted out and cleaned and so on and then you got the inflexions so you have the high calorific fraction at first stage that going up to 300 millimeters, and then you have the residue which go between 60 and 120 millimeters and the solid recovered fumes has the smallest flexions 15-30 millimeters which would through the main burner.

And so as I already said we started this whole fires an old tires can be car tires or of cut tyres depending on this dimension we are doing the engineering for the size of the conveyors and rollers and so on. The tyres have relatively high calorific value and you can easily use them, but unfortunately if you store them with rain and so on you can have a lot of water inside this tyres.

So what to do with it on one hand the old tires easily to store and easily to handle, but on the other hand to carry them to the plant because of the low density of the old tires you need a lot of trucks and the flat system that you later on will see causes a so called, so [xx] so that the people at the controls have a little bit problem to make a stable value there.

Of course you need to direct the water and the turnout substitution is limited to maximum 20%. If you have cheap tires then of course you have the density is higher and so on, all these data is good for cheap tires, on the other hand to shape the tires you need really high calpex[sp?] to do it. And to keep it in a right way to need to to have the good cutting that means the blunt knives could easily bend your whole system to a break down because we do not cut entirely this tier colts and then you have a lot of problems in the conveying systems.

So this is a system for the whole and shredded tires system you have the old tires you can bring them to a moving floor by automated crane or some sort of fan loader and so on and then automatically they are separated they are clean they are checked for rims and size and so on and then they are cleaned and then they are brought up to the flap system and before that you have to checks the weight and gives the right numbers in time to the kiln the same can be done these chip tyres also they are separated and they do not need trimming by in the end they have to be weighed and then going to the kiln.

Here you see some examples of the storage and the feeding you have the moving floor here and you have the system of dozing the chip one by one going we we call it a hook separator, which look like this one and then we are feeding it with a flip system different vans but it's still a 3 flip or [xx] system.

To show you a little bit about how this is working we have. Okay as an alternative fuel of the kiln process the energy contained used tyres [xx] environment friendly and ecologically safe. That's up to 20% primary heating cost can be saved and [xx] become useless are disposed off twice a day used tyres are filed from the house door storage into what is called wolf improver box.

The supplier runs to 12 hours. From here they are automatically feed to both kilns. [xx] boxes equipped with a hydraulic controlled  conveyors flow so a willing mechanism precious entire for (BLANK)(BLANK) (BLANK)(BLANK) From here, the material is transferred on to a specially driven roller trucks via horizontal conveyor.

The means of on and off switching of the roller conveyors wood fyres are finally separated. The separation is supported by so called in the sections. Following the progressive ratio next rain water drains off the tyre rings special design [xx] inject the tyres that are unsuitable with the automatic operation for example tires with winds, tires that are too big and totally deformed.

Depending on local conditions that this challenges of by a short term directional changes of the road tracks all the remaining tires are in a fit circle operation The wedge the broadly turns leaves over a [xx]. Before entering the kiln each used tire is waved assuring exact fuel dosage. parallel to the [xx] conveyor with [xx] walls [xx] material can be conveyed optionally via [xx] conveyor with a [xx] After this a tiny new storage section is connected in two sections to build the tires to the scales.

The entry heat of drill number one to the infantry to the second [xx] is designed as a double countdown  avoiding any leakage of air. At a temperature of about, 1500 degrees Celsius, the tyres bring up close process without residues and by whole without harmful  pollution to the environment. By use of controlled use of used tyres, the cement industry and Beuemer make a useful contribution to the utilization of secondary fuel OK this was whole tyres and shredded tyres and the next thing is the other fuels that  what we saw was going into the kiln, but of course you have the others RDF that goes into the calciner, you have the solid derived fuels solid residue that goes into the main burner, and of course we have talked about it the high calorific fraction that goes into the autistic[sp?] [xx].

To start with the feeding the main burner we offer a system that is easy to install and this is this is for the name banner and it started the small receiving box which then gives the material by conveying system into weigh feeder and then, sorry, then by pneumatic conveying line into the main burner.

The same we have in the RDF to the carl signer and because of the different system here, you will have a reception with the, from the track, and you need a small storage and you have continuous feeding to the best siner of course there is also a vein feeder, and then you need a special airlock system that is controlling to give the material in the oven, and to close when there is no material coming.

Of course in between you can have a quality monitoring for the material, but for this system here, this is it's really a starter kit because when you need or you want to change completely to RDF for SRDF then you need a bigger installation to secure the feeding of the alternative fuels to the main burner or consignor and that is the system where we normally have a big storage hall the storage hall is equipped with the system of storage of the different materials, and the [xx] that is then giving the material automatically or manual, but normally automatically to feeding area where it then goes especially when you have a long distance, between the storage hall and the calciner or the main burner then we very often use the pipe conveyor to come near to the calciner to the main burner, and then you have the feeding system here for SRDF and then into the burner, or here it is the calciner.

here you have have a handling system, machine, asymmetric chin and from this material you need different trucks, you can have the normal tipping tracks for the material that is a little bit heavier, and then you have tracks with moving flow, and these are mainly tracts for the very light material then you have a unloading station which can handle the material in large capacities and you unload the truck then you have this storage hole where the automatic crane is taking the material out of the feeding bin or the reception bin let say and then it gives the material to the feeding bin in between we also recommend that this crane is also manipulating the material around the storage hole to have a more even high quality value by mixing the material in a certain way.

There is another system to feed it to the main burner you can also of course do it with a front end loader to optimize the system people would be better to have that automatic train for some silo discharge you can have the special silo discharge to feed the from the storage hall, sorry to the pipe conveyor we have made special chain belt conveyor.

Because there you don't have any problem material going into a chain, because the chain here is covered by the belt. This is a typical ball mill installation where we go from the storage hall by pipe conveyor to the calciner and to the feeding system. There's often discretion what do we use do we use pipe conveyor, mechanical conveying system of pneumatic conveying system, and it's a little bit odd it's mainly depending on the distance of course but, there's one thing that we always say.

The material that you feed up a [xx] it tends to stop in the bending in the bends and therefore we always say we have to transport material as far to the burner as possible, and then in the last section where you have a straight flow of material we would say then do it pneumatic then you have to do it pneumatic,  but you have to avoid to bend that is to simply have a stable operation.

of course the mechanical conveyor by pipe conveyor you have very big feeding possibility against ma-metrics systems, the capex is a little bit higher or is higher but the oplex is low. Whereas by pneumatic systems the caplex is low, but the oplex the operation cost could be very high. Yeah the pipe conveyor as you see here the construction can go maximum up to 10 km and of course this can be very big ones, you don't need it for the installation for RDF and SDF but they are normally best-suited to supply a material to the calciner.

and to he main burner. You can have vertical and horizontal curves up to 45 degrees up, sometimes the horizontal and the vertical curves overlap. This is another picture showing to the main burner here in this case, normally we are for proposing the customer that he should have the fuel delivered by a company that is knowing what to do, and how to maintain the calorific value.

And of course have a clean material for you, but if there are restraints then we can also offer to put some other equipment into the process to clean from foreign bodies of by classifiers, sorry, like classifiers or star screen and so on, it is depending on your case. Pneumatic conveying of course you need the rotary valves which has a special inlet for the air, and we have the feeding and the air lock which is quite tricky because you have to seperate and you're going to the car sign, you have to separate like with the flip system, you have to separate the heat from your conveying system and that, s why in the end of all conveying systems there is always a metallic conveyor either with whole tyres  scrutinize  so a aroller conveyor which are the every this is the system of the snick to avoid any burning and so on here by the unlock system.

In the mean time we have done something, it's not a complete list but to show you that we've done a lot of the systems delivered already we have combiner we have made special department for this which is mainly situated in Czech and Slovakia they are specialized for this system systems and from all over the world we are supplying the proposals and then our department is specialized doing this whole system for you.

This of saying that we are looking for the long term success and not for the short profit that is why Beumer is now 80 years to serve you and we hope that we can make at least next eighty years and that is why we are not just giving you a system, we are providing you a good quality system, Â to have a long partnership with you.

Thank you and see you then on Alabus.

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