Advanced SCR and SNCR technologies for NOx, CO, VOC: Georg Lechner, Scheuch GmbH (Austria)

Filmed at Cemtech Europe 2015, 20-23 September, Intercontinental Hotel, Vienna, Austria.

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The last lesson today, I will complete the picture of what we have seen today regarding NOx reduction technologies whether its SNCR. Now we will hear the possible, technologies on SCR application for the cement industry. I want to show you some comparison on the like to like model to see the operation cost, and investment cost between the different available solution, and let me start with a few words about scheuch GmbH.

We're a traditionally Austrian Company family owned located in obaostarreich this is in upper Austria and having a turnover of around 120 million last year, with 600 people employed in the total Group. Our business started in 1963 with six people in a small plumber workshop in reid im innkreis, and we're now as I said 780-800 people in the group.

This is a slide I personally like most because because it creates a little image of what we're doing in a year, this is the output of our in-house production in obaostarreich and I leave you these figures shortly we have about 800 bag filter units a year ,2700 fans and the distance from the welding joints for example, which is mentioned here, 1000 kilometer is from here to Paris to the Eiffel Tower.

The portfolio we provide is starting from components business as we will be selling single components ,ducts, halos, small bag filters, real fans up to 800000 cubic meters, even controllers, heat exchanger, gas cooling towers, here you will see some boilers which are used for heat transfer systems in the CR technology later on and our core business of course, where we coming from the tax collectors, the left picture is our process filter the so called EMC technology, the next one is our standards online kiln filter, import filter shock pressure filter for coal industry pressure assisting up to nine bars, and finally electrostatic precipitators and your big division is dealing with emission abatement technology which is in fact SCR technology and to ex mercury what you have heard yesterday .

Let's come to this initial topic SCR technologies what is available on the market basically you can cut in two areas the tail end solution, low dust arrangement, or the dust side, the high dust arrangement, processing degraded. These are the two main categories. The tail end SCR this small is known from their power plant industry.

It requires huge heat exchanger surfaces what we see later on. A second technology adding in this area is our new development the so called deconox which is [xx] three weeks and this deconox is a combination of re-generative thermal oxidizer and a catalyst system in one mission.

So this is the technology dealing with low dust after back filter the tail end arrangement. Coming to the high dust, do we have the possibilities known that you can install like a catalyzer into high dust atmosphere? There's a certain limit we have input dust loads so we divide the high dust SCR units into two categories, the high dust and the semi dust.

The semi dust installation by the way is that one what we are going to see tomorrow in Manners-dorf plant. The first full scale installation there, the difference between this two installations is just an additional pre-separator to take out the dust load before entering the SCR installation.

Here we have the comparison sheets between these technologies, the main category is the inlet dust loads the tail-end solution deals with dust maximum five 10 milligrams per cubic meter while the high dust arrangement typically is a 60, 80 gram the dust load what you receive at the top stage of your pre-heater up to 100 gram per cube.

The expected service life of these catalyst element are quite long in the low tasks sides so we're expected around 10 years and depending on the conditions in the high dust side around two and three years. The possibility to reduce we will see in the low dust side with the classic arrangement.

There is only 50 % while with the deconox we can burn the VLC into nearly 99-98 % of reduction rate. In the installation you will see 50 to 70% you will see reduction scheuch is quite similar definitely no action on the classic arrangements but the high rate reduction rates on the DeCONOx.

Odor quite a similar behavior as we'll see.
And now our important point what does this installation cost. As you see here already the high dust arrangement is cheapest one, with the factor 1.0. The DeCONOxis around 1.4 times more expensive, and tail end solution the classical one with the huge heat exchanger areas is the most expensive one.

So I have a figure behind a high dust arrangement for 3, 000 tonnes per a plant which is the basis for this comparison then is around five million, the DeCONOx seven and classical tail end SCR 10 million euro. The Opex cost calculated in euro per ton considering that the surrounding parameter mentioned to you in the remarks is around 0.9 in the classical tail end 0.8 DeCONOx considering that we an outer mode that we don't to fire external gas for the combustion and 0.88 for the high dust arrangement.

The specific energy cost which are electric power by radial fans and so on are completing this picture of this comparison sheet So let me describe this technology a little bit more in detail starting with the classical tail end SCR here is the typical integration of this installation in the fire prose machine we see here the tail end des-catalizer and the hot gas or gas is after the back filter enter a very huge heat exchanger to heat up the temperature imagine we're around 100 degrees level in the compound mode only and we have to reach catalyzer inlet temperature of 230 degrees minimum, and this is done by heat transfer system it mainly done with oil then the gas passes the catalyzer and exchanged heats to the inlet gas so here see a cross section of that installation and the comparison of size to whatever arrangement in the plant every little moving for that I hope its working because its quite late . Yes, its going on.

So, this is our reference model here 3000 tons and you see that the boilers where we have to take out the heat of the down creamer to transfer to the SCR unit later on. It's a tail end arrangement as you can see it's the end of pipe just before the stack and we are going to see some details how this heat transfers arranged.

So the kiln gas enter the right side, I will go to this kiln gas enters here transfer to this heat exchanger here is the injection point of the ammonia, the catalyst and excess gas lifter installation the other side of the heat exchange. So yes, coming to the DeCONx, the DeCONx is principally at the same position as to classical SCR, tail-end before the stack. But how the DeCONx is working? As I said is a combination of a classical RTO and catalytic. And this for example arranged in a three tower arrangement what you can see here, the gases enter the DeCONx passing heat let's say bricks which recovers the heat. this is the catalyst element again the brick layer gets heated is in the burning chamber and leaves the DeCONx system by the second tower and transferring the heat to the bricks there. This is a principle? The working manchine and we are veryinstallation in[xx] it is an installation of around 151,000 cubic meter, and the project targets to reduce the emissions for two anno weeks to 200ml, 20 ml Ammonia sleep and the reduction rate of 99% on ECO.

The next slide shows you some, the project itself which started a couple of years ago with the implementation of a back filter for our cleaning the kiln and[xx] gases, and the installation of the DeCONx now is completely completing this[xx] project in 2010. We had very narrow space as you can see here, this is the area where the DeCONx is finally placed starting with support.

This is the area to, if the flaps and dampers, tower , hot gas fibers, supply duct and so on, ammonia and cooling gas, but the first was to have back filter and operations. It's now since eight years there the MC filter with our low pressure cleaning technology what you can see here in the animation behind.

Six compartments, back filter equipped with fibre glass bags if [xx] is very low in technology. The specific [xx] don't have cooling or no conditioning towers so we cool the exit air from the pre heater the fresh air is specifics arrangement there. There are some details how the filters are cleaned, the EMC works to switch off certain models there is no gas flow in this time and we have very soft cleaning for the fact.

Now we come to the entrance to the DeCONx. There are some dampers are arranged the gases is a five tower installation enter the DeCONx by two towers and living by two tower and define the fifth tower is flashed in the same way. Here you see that play of the flaps how they are working. The project is not finished yet, the gearbox cement installed a heat recovery system to gain thermal heat to supply public sources in the city capital. So let's get to feels how much megawatt to dig out here five megawatts instead energy gain and supply some public consumers.

I will stop here because we hungry.I guess . Some site impressions here from the arrangement where we lift in this tower's premelted outside a little bit of initial installation place. These towers have been transported but it truck and lifted in one piece . The photo left is the hot gas bypass tract and right you can create an image as if we had really really very narrow space to put to DeCONOx there.

The feedback what we have since the last three weeks is that to be we had luckily really a successful start up stography the DeCONOx now is a permanent operation and the measurement what we could do is to on CO and we will see with action and we see that the efficiency is very high.

The picture what you see also here is done in the burning chamber and very soon after start up we could run the DeCONox in the out to turn mode so we do not need any gas to keep the temperatures. That is the tail end situation now we are coming we are entering high dust area. This is the typical integration of high dust system in the same and I want to explain the main components here we need special Damper to seal the catalytic in case of maintenance, the catalytic reacts to itself typically sustained along time arranged beside the preheater.

There are here installed two catalyst layers system if have a cleaning system and there is one spare layer foreseen in the total hide of the catalytic the soot blowers are necessary machines to clean the catalyst itself is permanently cleaned by compressed air. This compressed air is generated by compressor units which keep the air hot.

It's really hot air to introduce into the catalyst, ammonia injection of course we have the reaction ongoing. This is the booster fan to overcome the [xx] of the catalyzer, and finally we need a certain machinery to start up this installation. Because we have to take care about the minimum inlet temperatures, and this system composed by an electrical heat generator, back filter to keep clean air to the electrical heater and [xx] so we have to start up the SCR without the kiln, we have to heat it up and then we can switch it into the operation.

The small gadget is to have a vacuum cleaner possibility attached to keep this maintenance work dust free. Here are some details how this catalyst looks like inside, I will have a short movie explaining that more better than I can tell. As you can see our reference plant has the catalyst now integrated into the power process this is not tail-end it's fully integrated, and we open now the casing it look inside what will happen here the bottom side is fans , the booster fans which is explained She needs to fight against[xx] Ammonia junction joints.

Yes, and then we have the most important point here in this high dust [xx] This is the key factor how you arrange how you are to sign the cleaning system to keep it clean, and economic and in an efficient way. Yes the same [xx] is when we speak about minor stuff the same is behind us but precipitate is installed to take out to reduce the [xx] load.

Now we coming to this [xx] of system where we have this EP and I will tell you some [xx] about that so this plant has been the first semi dusty installation world wide, we had the target was to have this 200 milligram as emission limits now. And the concept with EP came due to the reason that the pre heater tower was not able to take any additional load by upgrading the top stage cyclone, so we had to do whether cycling down or DP and DP was chosen an adjustment possibility to create different task loads for the SCR for testing purpose.

Some pictures of master but you will see it tomorrow. This early analyse elements here is a difference to the deconox where we have single bricks, this boxes pre mounted with the bricks in. That's the picture of the final ecrypt[sp?] layer with this sootblower cleaning elements is the soot blower dries outside they supply the catalyst with hot air therefore they are insulated, yeah here we have the findings the results.

The project target in terms of emission have been achieved, they are achieved today also, but we had some lessons to learn and starting from the design point to reduce the 180 gram from the pre-heater to originally two gram after DSP was not possible. We have too high emissions and two many TO[sp?] shutdowns, daily in the starting phase in 2013.

As you can see here the real dust load after this [xx] is significant higher than it was designed. We found the reason for that one of the major reasons was carbon fires fibres in the alternative fuel, and this added to collect themselves on the spray electrodes and minimise the chance to activate the electric unfortunately this phenomenon caused additional problems, they had too much dust into HTR so we had the LTP problem, we had a problem we have to clean, and the improvement with the heat is what you had to finally is we tried to upgrade the EPE if high efficiency transformer, but it was not that successful, finally we changed the first layer of the catalyst all the catalyst layers with a larger beach to comply with the higher task load.

Today the cement is a height dust, we upgraded also the capacity of compressors to keep balances with the higher inlet dust and the plant was able to reduce the Co peak was forced EP to shut down to maximal one or two a week so this is the situation right now, at least two pages.

This is learnt at the long term this side so as we could achieve the approaching targets in terms of emission and ammonia sleep altogether with TP constellation still we have an average availability bigger and more than 95% the delta P of catalyst layers are now on a typical for that kind of plant and we have some cost saving we saw some cost saving due to reduce consumption else complicate to that this slide is just to see these expanding of minor stuff left before and then after and it was possible to reduce the amount of ammonia due to the catalysts and we balance this 50 additional loads and additional cost electric per year and in total today we have around 400, 000 Europe per year difference to the installation before.

So that's the end of my speech and thank you for attention.

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