The wet to dry conversion of Akmenes Cementas: Pietro De Michieli, Bedeschi / CTP (Italy)

Filmed at Cemtech Europe 2015, 20-23 September, Intercontinental Hotel, Vienna, Austria.

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Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, Mr chairman thank you very much. So I will start very, very quickly because time is limited with a very quick overview of the company for all of you that doesn't know Bedeschi. As Bedeschi Company we have four line of production. One is in the brick industry, one is in the bulk material handling, one is in marine logistics and then mining.

We have wide and extensive engineering starting from feasibility studies, then basic engineering complete greenfield and key installation. We are one of the high lender because we still have our own workshop which is 70,000 square meter based in the North of Italy, close to Venice and in this workshop we are manufacturing and assembling the key components of our machinery.

And then last but not least we are 100 years younger, actually more than 100 years because the foundation was 1908 and nowadays we are celebrating a 107. Our organisation is worldwide trying to help and assist all the clients locally as much as we can to be very close to them, coming from Australia, Jakarta, Dubai, Moscow, and then Turkey and then of course Italy, North Africa, North and South America.

We are more than 250, actually 260 people and 70,000 square meter as I mentioned. We have a worldwide alliance with Leibherr in order to provide full complete turn key terminal for export of minerals such as cement, clinker and coal. Some pictures of the workshop where we are as you can see, assembling the key components of our machinery inside the workshop, in order to invite then the client to touch their components before the shipment.

The case studies of Akmenes Cementas. Akmenes Cementas is the biggest Lithuanian manufacturer of cement and they started their project few years ago and their idea was to convert the process from wet to dry process. The theme of the project was composed by Bedeschi Group plus the pyro processor supplier which was KHD and then as counterpart there was the client and the consultant of the client.

Therefore we started our analysis and we analyzed the series of action in order to transform the cement production from wet to dry. As expert of raw material handling I have to admit that in Russian and Baltic countries in general in eastern countries, the raw material handling is really very difficult, very difficult because each day of the year you should have a different process and a different machinery, due to the fact that the climate is changing practically each every season.

You have the Spring where you have relatively hot season, starting from Spring to Summer where you have mainly product which is very moisture content high and sticky products and then going to Autumn and winter where the product becomes very strong and very hard and so different attitude to be ended.

In the Akmenes Cementas what was the idea? We are the one section of existing limestone unit of crushing, so the existing crusher was saved for limestone. The capacity was 1,000 tonne per hour but from the output of the crusher, new conveyors up to the storage were designed and fabricated.

On the other side, the arrival by train of clay plus the clay unloading by grab and totally new clay apron feeder, plus clay crusher, plus the new line up to the storage was also designed, so you have two sources on parallel, clay on this side 350 tonne per hour and the limestone on this side for 1,000 tonne per hour.

Just before the storage where there was it is a typical problem in storage because there is clay and limestone inside, it was installed online analyzer. The online analyzer feedback was given to the limestone side in order to a variable speed driver the limestone feeder and to the apron feeder of clay in order to dodge the clay, the set point before the storage was given by the control room of course and so the online analyzer was controlling perfectly the formulation of raw material before the storage. The storage was a vertical wall storage the unique technology we will see some pictures able to re-blend sticky material and the input capacity was 1,650 ton per hour whereas the reclaiming capacity was designed up to 800 ton per hour. Therefore inside the storage you have composition of clay and limestone and with the re-claimer we are re-blending and taking out the material, feeding one big silo before the mill.

Then the other silos where one limestone corrective, the other coming from different sources iron ore and sand going to other silo of iron ore and sand, below the silo feeder weighing feeder where those in the material exactly up and then of course magnetic separator and the iron in system while those in the material and feeding up to the mill.

So the design of the complete raw material handling was prepared in combination by Bedeschi and Akmenes Cementas engineers together with their consultant. The peculiarity of this flow sheet are mainly in the raw material receiving especially for clay. Clay is really very, very sticky but also very plastic because it is lithuania and so the material it sticks a lot.

And so special lining and special type of hopper and shoot where designed where as well as the crusher which is our technology for the raw material landing and then the other peculiarity of course is the storage where we have a vertical wall storage. So here there is a detail of the receiving section of the other apron feeder that one for the additives, iron ore and sand and here there is the details of the apron feeder of clay, which is fed by a grab crane, there is the train coming then the train is unloading by the graph grain, and then apron feeder is loading the double roller crasher and then the conveyor.

You see total lining and very sharp angle of the author able to re-flame. This is a picture of the existing plant, so few words about the storage, the storage is 25,000 tone capacity and as I said it's a vertical wall storage able to homogenize the material up to 1 - 10, this is a blended mixture of limestone and clay the four material also very sticky and this is a detail of the storage, you see from the section here that there is a front reclaiming because the boomer with shovel is running from right side up to the left side and moving left and right, reclaiming the material from bottom to top therefore making a blending effect of the material and feeding the mill perfectly, this is the storage during direction.

You see the men and the machine,very huge, you have special cleaning devices because the material is also sticking on the wall so time to time there are special cleaning devising of the wall and these shovel are open bucket which are reclaiming and then with a special technology able to be emptied on the top and then transfer the material on the belt conveyor on the top and on the side going to the mill.

You see here the boomer while reclaiming, so this bucket is cutting this layer, then this layer, then this layer, this layer continuously and then coming from left to right and giving a perfect blending effect of the raw material. As I said this is really a unit technology to blend the raw material.

You see also detail of the stacker which is a stacking bridge and the stacking bridge, the cycle of stacking is wind-row, therefore you have different row and also this different row of material are so up and down, up and down and from bottom to the top, are the best for the perblending. The design was completed by conveyors with towers in order to give a complete turn key project to the end user.

The plant is commissioned ever since few months, no I would say more than one here and as I said the best point is and the most peculiar point is really the storage that this unique for the perblending in the sticky material and in the Russian countries. My collegue Fabio will continue the presentation on the other part of the gas cleaning, the missing terminals because the gas cleaning was a part done by CTP which is the company of Bedeschi doing gas cleaning and so it was an intergrated project, raw material handling complete from Bedeschi and gas cleaning complete from CTP, he will explain to you the details of the CTP technology.

Good morning to everybody, so we're making introduction of the equipment we supplied for the Akmenes Cementas project where we supply our swop cleaning technology for the big cleaning, so I will give you some detail of the swop the clean technologies and with our references on the application.

In Akmenes Cementas we moved, so we converted from an older wet production line to new production line and CTP gas cleaning company of the Bedeschi Group we were responsible of the supply of Kilner Rumelgas dedustin and clinker great cooler dedusting. The Kilner Rumelgas dedusting has been designed to treat a total flow of 940,000 cubic meter per hour with the user of our Wop cleaning technologies, it is a low pressure cleaning technologies, that hollow has in this application to clean with one single valve a row of 14 bags for each row with a total filtration of 15,000 800, 54 square meter, here you can see some picture of the main filter during the erection and the last picture of the filter in operation.

We were also responsible of the supply of the clinker cooler exhaust air dedusting consisting on a filter designed for a capacity of 430,000 cubic meter. Always with Wop cleaning technologies and in this application we were cleaning, we were want single solenoid cleaning valve, 16 bags for each row for a total of 5,429 square meter and since in our portfolio product we have also general dedusting and nuisance bag filter we supplied also the heat ex-changer of cool for the clinker cooler dedusting to cool down the gas from the great cooler from a temperature of 450 degrees to 135 degrees, suitable temperature for the bax material inside the clinker cooler bag filter and as I mentioned we supplied also all the nuisance bag filters.

As I mentioned before the filter we supply in Akmenes project were designed with Wop technology for the bag cleaning. What is Wop technology? First to introduce Wop technologies I want to talk about the traditional bag cleaning system. Traditional bag cleaning system is a high medium pressure that user compress the air with the pressure between four seven bar there is a need of entry to increase the effect of the pulls of the pullchet and normally they use a membrane vulva with an opening timer of 100 millisecond.

The result is high compressed consumption with as low pulls for the clean of the bags that give to the bags a dynamic movement with a parabolic profile that you can see is characterized by two pull efficiency area, the top and the bottom of the bags while the best efficiency is reached only in the central part of the bags. For this reason these traditional high medium pressure system is more suitable for short bagging, we can say from three up to five maximum six meter but already with six meter you start to have some problem on the perfect cleaning of the bags. For this reason CTP develop a special cleaning system called Zwop because you use a sonic wave, so the name is Sonic Wave acceleration pulls, is a low pressure technology, the cleaning air pressure is between two entry bar, there is not need of any venturio or additional system to increase the effect of the pullchet and we use a special design by CTP a special piston valve with very fast opening time below 40 milliseconds, the result is an extremely low composed consumption with a short quick and deep pull, that generate inside the bags a sonic wave travelling from the top to the bottom, you can see this animation that assure the perfect cleaning of the bags this regarding the length of the bags, so we can clean very long bags okay.

Those are the main features as mentioned, we developed this special cleaning valve, it's a special powerful valve installed directly inside the here tank with a fast action time, the opening time ranges between 20/40 milliseconds pulls time, generate a short sharp and very fast pulls, that generate sonic waves that clean the bags and the shape of the pulls grant that for the entire length of the bags you can have the same acceleration so you can clean perfectly all the bags disregarding from the length and of course use a low pressure bag technology.

So we have an extremely high cleaning efficiency, an unlimited combination of bag length and number of bags per row, very low back pressure was open and extended the bags last time. If you look at the application we can see that on the early stages 30 years ago the bags were at a length of three meter and with one single solenoid valve we were able to clean only almost 18 square meters.

With Akmenes project we start to introduce the Zwop low pressure system and we were able to reach the capability to clean with one single pulls valve, 40 square meter. So we were able to double the capacity of cleaning of the filter. So, we make a filter with more of dimension with less cleaning system.

We continuously develop the Zwop technologies and in 2013 with a filter with same capacity, we were able again to double the cleaning efficiency of the system, so with one valve we are cleaning 80 square meter and we reached our record in 2014, where with one single cleaning valve, we are able to clean 150 in square meter.

Using a bag of 10 meter, place it in one row of 24 bags, so each cleaning valve is cleaning 24 bags with 10 meter length and our goal for the next feature that we are testing in our laboratories to clean rows of 30 bags with 12 meter, we always with out swop low pressure. What we can see from this graph is then the trend of the bags, the length of the bags has increased more than three time in the past three years, so it became more and more important and an efficient cleaning system and the cleaner up a single shot has increased more than six times, here you can have some other numbers you can see, those are all the Zwop application in operations.

Akmenes project was at the early stage of Zwop development so we were cleaning average of 40 square meter, now we are cleaning 115 square meter with one single valve and for example this is a comparison between a filter with same capacity, this is a recent application where we double the capacity.

Of course the fact that we increase the number of bags so the square meter clean and we want single valve as a result that we decrease the compressed consumption. Here you see on this part that was the oldest technologies let me say before the year 2000, where we're having very high compressed consumption.

Starting with an introduction of Zwop technologies for example in Akmenes project we already decreased the compressed consumption to 0.025 normal cubic meter per hour for each square meter of filtering in phases and nowadays we are dealing with the value of compressed consumption of 0.0063.

So in less than six years, we decreased more than two time the compressed consumption and is the comparison between two filter, always with Zwop technologies a two different stage of development of the Zwop technologies where you can see the difference in the compressed consumption.

Just to make a short resume, Akmenes Cementas 2007 when we start to project to design the filter. We were able to clean 40 square meter, nowadays with the same filter capacity we increase the clean and up a shot of 113% and in the same time we reduced the compressed consumption of the 64%, it means that we reduce the operational cost of the filter because the compressed consumption is a cost and also we reduce the investment cost because we have a more Zwop phase cleaner and we want single valve we can reduce the number of cleaning devices that's all.

And if you look at our record we increased the cleaning up a shot of 190% we decrease the compressed consumption of 75%. In conclusion with the Zwop system for bag cleaning, we have the best efficiency regardless from bag length and number of bags per rows. We can minimize the composite consumption and what is very important that all our bag filter has online cleaning so we don't need any compartmentalization we don't need offline or semi-offline cleaning so we reduce the complication of the filter is a more simple filter and of course most competitive in operational cost.

Zwop technology is nowadays is a proven technology, we have more than 53 Zwop preferences world wide. 39 let me say 40 of these already commissioned and operational since years and 14 that are in the commissioning or will be placed in operation in the near future. The new development or recent development we achieved is a Zwop filter with 24 rows of 10 meter bags already in operation and the new development that we hope to put in operation in the shortest time that is still under the investigation phase, is to clean bags of 12 meter with one single valve that is cleaning 30 bags per row.

So it's whole, I will thank you for your time.

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