Cement News tagged under: international

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Iranian cement sales down in July

23 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Iran’s cement market contracted by 30.8 per cent MoM to 4Mt in July 2021 from 5.78Mt in June 2021. Clinker production declined from 6.75Mt in June 2021 to 3.95Mt in July 2021 while cement output decreased to 4.38Mt in July from 6.02Mt in June. In addition to a shrinking domestic market, exports of cement and clinker in July fell to 0.41Mt and 0.3Mt, respectively when compared with the previous month, when cement and clinker exports stood at 0.36Mt and 0.63Mt, respectively.

Turkish cement prices rise 56% in July

20 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Cement prices in Turkey have officially risen by around 56 per cent YoY in July, according to the Turkish Statistical Institute's (TUIK) domestic price index. Elsewhere, Tahir Tellioglu, head of the Turkish Contractors' Federation (IMKON), has reported that cement prices surged to TRY450/t (US$53/t) from TRY160 a year ago. Alongside this, contractors in the country have committed to establish new housing projects after a decline in recent years. However, this is reportedly leading to an ...

New 0.2Mta plant set to be built in Mozambique

20 August 2021, Published under Cement News

A new cement plant is expected to be constructed in the Namacurra district of Mozambique, with around US$15m of Chinese investment. The feasibility of the 200,000tpa unit depends on the environmental impact study. The public consultation of which begins this month, according to Fom Ma Jo Chon, representative of Africa Great Wall Manufacture. The company expects the process to be completed in six months and plant construction to begin shortly afterwards. The limestone used will be Mozambica...

PCA outlines regional US cement consumption growth trends for 2021-23

19 August 2021, Published under Cement News

The PCA's Market Intelligence team has released its latest US regional cement consumption forecasts from its June 2021 economic update, which did not take into account the possible passing of an Infrastructure Bill.   The country's western territory consists of the Rocky Mountains (RM) and the Pacific Region (PR). The RM led the US in cement consumption in 2020 with a growth of 11.5 per cent, whereas the PR only managed 0.1 per cent growth, with California managing 2.2 per cent grow...

Peru sees demand up 26% in July 2021

19 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Peru’s cement market grew 26 per cent YoY to 1.135Mt in July 2021, compared with 0.904Mt in the year-ago period, according to the country’s cement association, Asocem. Cement production also advanced 29 per cent to 1.063Mt in July 2021 against 0.821Mt in the same month of 2020. Compared to July 2019, production climbed 24 per cent from 0.858Mt. Cement exports rose 171 per cent YoY to 18,200t, while clinker exports reached 66,200t (-26 per cent from June 2021). Elsewhere, cement imports ...

Uzbekistan posts 23% production increase in 1H21

18 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Uzbekistan has reported a 23 per cent YoY increase in Portland cement production to 5.8Mt in the first half of 2021, according to the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan. The first four months of the year saw a 26.9 per cent YoY surge in production to 3.583Mt, while production in the 5M21 advanced 24.2 per cent to 4.679Mt. The Tashkent region produced the most significant volume of cement at 42.3 per cent of the total, followed by the Navoi region (32.2 per cent), Jizzakh (13 per ce...

Kyrgyzstan’s cement prices rise steeply in July

17 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Kyrgyzstan’s monthly average of consumer prices showed that retail prices for cement in the country in July 2021   amounted to KGS357.6 (US$4.22)/50kg bag, up by 26.3 per cent YoY.   The maximum retail cement prices were US$4.83 in Kara-Balta, US$4.72 in Naryn and US$4.72 in the village of Chaek. The lowest cement prices were recorded in Jalal-Abad and Uzgen (US$3.54) and in Nookat (US$3.77). The largest increase in cement prices compared to the previous month were recorded in ...

Iran cement production capacity tops 88Mta in FY20-21

17 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Iran’s nominal cement production capacity totalled 88Mta in FY20-21, according to a report issued by the Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade (MIMT).  Meanwhile, total cement production over the last year was 69.3Mt, of which 15Mt was exported to Iraq, Afghanistan and some Southeast Asian countries and 64Mt was used locally, stated MIMT.  More than 70 cement factories were operational in Iran, which produced 27 types of cement, of which Type II and V are the most popular.

Morocco’s cement market slips 16% in July

16 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Cement sales in Morocco declined 16.3 per cent YoY  to 898,429t in July 2021 from 1,073,680t in July 2020, according to the Ministry of Housing and Urbanisation, which cites data from the country’s cement association, APC. However, in the January-July 2021 period, sales advanced 17.7 per cent to 7.708Mt when compared with the 6.547Mt in the 7M20.

Sharp coal rally drives petcoke higher to widen discounts – new demand fears and OPEC+ agreement sent oil falling

16 August 2021, Published under Cement News

By Brannvoll Aps, Denmark The euro is seen in the US$1.17-1.20 range with the US infrastructure package expected to support the dollar in the short-term. As forecast, inflation fears evaporated but the expected turn in commodities did not occur due to continued bottlenecks in the opening economies. Table 1: Prices at a glance Crude oil (US$/bbl) 69.25 Coal API2 – 4Q21 (US$) 132.00 API2 – Cal 2022 (U...