Cement News tagged under: Indonesia

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Indonesia cement demand rises 3% in May

28 June 2016, Published under Cement News

Indonesia’s cement market continues to expand, according to official Indonesian cement industry statistics. In addition, the country is shipping increasing volumes of clinker although cement exports have fallen. In May demand reached 5,133,863t, up three per cent YoY. Cement exports rose 18.3 per cent YoY and clinker exports doubled to 114,000t during the period. Total domestic output reached 5.305Mt, a rise of 5.4 per cent when compared with May 2015. Semen Indonesia, the country’s large...

Indonesia: calls to protect Java from cement

23 June 2016, Published under Cement News

Environmental experts have advised cement plants be moved outside Java to prevent worsening ecological damage to the densely populated island. Senior adviser to the environment and forestry minister, Suryo Adi Wibowo, said that the cement industry is just one of the business sectors in Java that should be closed to foreign investors in order to protect the environment. He added that cement plant activities hamper the agricultural sector as they deprive farmers of land due to ecological dam...

SE Asia towards oversupply?

20 June 2016, Published under Cement News

The southeast Asian cement market has seen rapid demand growth in recent years. Backed by favourable macroeconomic trends, it is likely to remain one of the fastest-growing cement markets. Many cement producers, both local and international, performed very well in this region and are keen to expand their existing capacity, while for others entering these enticing markets has become a priority. By The Jakarta Advisory Group, Indonesia. Fast-growing southeast Asian markets are attractin...

Indocement awaits the "domino-effect"

15 June 2016, Published under Cement News

Growth of Indonesia’s cement market weakened in 2015, but prospects for this year are more optimistic with demand expected to significantly improve. ICR spoke to Christian Kartawija, CEO of market leader PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, about the producer’s performance in 2015, his view on cement demand and construction activity in this major southeast Asian nation and the potential for sector consolidation. By ICR Research, UK. Christian Kartawijaya, CEO, PT Indocement Market pe...

Vietnam's new Master Plan

13 June 2016, Published under Cement News

Vietnam is having to rebalance its cement output with expected market demand. While there have been limitations on the creation of new plants, there is now strong evidence for the government to encourage the construction of larger plants while phasing out the less economical smaller units. By Hai Khieu, StoxPlus, Vietnam. Vietnam is seeking to rebalance its cement and clinker supply to demand. This could take a decade to implement, says StoxPlus The overheated expansion of Vi...

Semen Indonesia to sell 49% stake in unit

13 June 2016, Published under Cement News

Indonesia's largest cement producer, Semen Indonesia, plans to sell a 49 per cent stake in one of its units to help fund the company's future expansion, according to Investor Daily quoting the firm’s Finance Director, Darmawan Junaidi. The strategic investor will hold the stake for a limited period, tentatively 10 years. However, which subsidiary's stake will be sold remains currently undisclosed. Semen Indonesia has four subsidiaries – PT Semen Gresik, PT Semen Padang, PT Semen Tonasa and...

Indonesia: Loesche mill for new plant

01 June 2016, Published under Cement News

PT Krakatau Semen Indonesia has awarded Germany-based Loesche a contract for its emerging Cigading slag grinding plant in Cilegon, Banten. The scope of supply for this contract includes a Loesche mill with an LDC classifier, the raw material transport system, the mill dust extraction system, the reject system and the silo equipment. Loesche GmbH subsidiaries are also participants in the contract, with Loesche ThermoProzesstechnik GmbH supplying a hot gas generator type LF-36L and autom...

Holcim Indonesia to expand exports as domestic competition tightens

30 May 2016, Published under Cement News

LafargeHolcim subsidiary, PT Holcim Indonesia, plans to boost exports to Australia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh this year amid unstable domestic demand, reports The Jakarta Post. After the acquisition of Lafarge Cement Indonesia, also known as Semen Andalas, in February and the commencement of operations at Tuban II plant in East Java last August, Holcim's production capacity has risen to 15Mta from 11Mta at the beginning of 2015. "To address this we need to export more while of course also s...

Indonesia: PT Semen Baturaja acquires syndicated plant loan

23 May 2016, Published under Cement News

Semen Baturaja plans an IDR3.32trn (US$245m) unit in Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatra and to carry this project the company has sought a loan from PT Bank Negara Indonesia and PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Selatan dan Bangka Belitung, or Bank Sumsel Babel. IDR1.4trn will come from Bank Negara and the remaining IDR100bn will be leant by Bank Sumsel Babel. The new plant, which is expected to start operations next year, will have a production capacity of 1.85Mta. It will b...

Indonesia: Conch/Papua Cement plant to open in July

19 May 2016, Published under Cement News

The Jakarta Post reports that the joint-venture between Conch and SDIC Papua Cement Indonesia will commence operations at its new plant in Manokwari, West Papua, in July. The plant is being constructed at a cost of US$400m and will have an initial capacity of 1.5Mta. Demand for cement in Indonesia has grown steadily and is predicted to reach new heights this year driven by government infrastructure projects. Papua is distant from the main cement-producing regions of Indonesia and as a ...