Cement News tagged under: environmental

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Fauji Cement Co commissions 12.5MW solar power plant

24 June 2019, Published under Cement News

Reon Energy Ltd has announced the commissioning of its latest 12.5MW captive solar power project at Fauji Cement Co Ltd (FCCL) in Jhang Bahtar, Punjab, Pakistan. The plant is expected to produce approximately 20GWh annually and will avoid around 121,437t of equivalent CO 2 emissions over the next 10 years. The project aims to integrate the new photovoltaic project with the existing power generating facility. "The 12.5MW solar plant shall offset higher energy prices for power from gri...

Eqiom test 4 biogas trucks

21 June 2019, Published under Cement News

France-based Eqiom is testing four biogass trucks as part of the company’s strategy to reduce the carbon emissions generated by its trucks by six per cent by 2020. As an alternative to diesel, the biogas helps improve air quality and protect the environment. Natural gas for vehicles includes 95 per cent methane and very light hydrocarbons. The four vehicles are being put into operation in the CRH subsidiary's road transport between the north and the Paris region. In addition, one of th...

Environmental groups oppose Calero Risso plant

17 June 2019, Published under Cement News

The building of a cement plant at Calero Risso in Paraguay, proposed by Jiménez Gaona y Lima under the name of Cementos Concepcion, has met with further disapproval from environmental groups. The area includes the Risso Cave, where important fossils were discovered, including microfossils that are 550m years old and said to be the first organisms on the planet with a skeleton. The Paraguayan Federation of Speleology has asked Mades to protect the cave. Cementos Concepción , led by Jor...

Holcim invests US$1m in solid waste processing in El Salvador

14 June 2019, Published under Cement News

LafargeHolcim and its Geocycle brand have plans to invest more than US$1m in new waste processing equipment in El Salvador. The new equipment will be used to treat solid waste to supply alternative fuel for its cement production in the country. Geocycle processes around 0.7m used tyres in 2018, bringing the company’s waste tyre use to 6m tyres since 2001, according to Jaime Recinos, director for corporate affairs and sustainable development at Holcim. It also processed 20,000t of waste...

Taiwan Cement Co sets CO2 capture targets

12 June 2019, Published under Cement News

Taiwan Cement Co (TCC) has committed a budget of TWD600m (US$19.1m) to expand its carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) technology this year. By 2025 the company estimates that it will capture approximately 450,000t of CO 2 per year. TCC's eventual aim is to reach zero CO 2 emissions from its industrial facilities. TCC's vision is to make CO 2 capture a mature technology, which can both mitigate global warming and add value to the carbon circular economy. The company is developin...

South Africa's carbon tax: an opportunity for eco-cements

07 June 2019, Published under Cement News

On 26 May 2019, President Cyril Ramaphosa signed off South Africa's Carbon Tax Act, which came into effect on 1 June. The financial impact on South Africa's cement sector should intensify carbon emission reduction programmes and accelerate the trend towards the production of eco-blended cements, but it could also have a negative effect of encouraging cheaper imports. In this first phase, a tax of ZAR120/t (US$8/t) of CO 2 emitted will be in place. However, polluters receive 60-95 per cent ...

Gujarat launches pilot air pollutant permit cap and exchange mechanism

07 June 2019, Published under Cement News

India has launched the world's first trading programme for particulate air pollution quotas. The western state of Gujarat piloted the scheme on 5 June involving some 350 industrial plants in Surat, including cement plants. The trading programme has been devised by academic experts, including Anat Sudarshan from the University of Chicago and Nicholas Ryan from Yale University. The government will cap the total amount of air particulate matter than can be emitted over a period of time by all ...

Lafarge Cement UK increase concrete longevity with Lafarge Endure SR

06 June 2019, Published under Cement News

Lafarge Cement UK (part of Aggregate Industries and LafargeHocim group) has launched a new high-performance, low-carbon, blended cement called Lafarge Endure SR. The new CEM II cement is a blend of clinker and Portland fly ash to produce a cement with a lower embodied CO 2 and improved plastic and hardened properties when used in concrete.  Endure SR is also resistant to sulphates, making it suitable for a wider variety of ground projects than CEM I blends. It has DC-4 durability standard ...

Cinvestav produce cement using volcanic ash

06 June 2019, Published under Cement News

Scientists at Mexico’s Centre for Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav) are using volcanic ash to make environmentally-friendly cement. First tests have shown that cement formulations that work contain up to 80 per cent of volcanic material, without the need for high-temperature kilns. Cinvestav reported that the group has developed some 15 alternatives in the past four year and have applied for a national patent.

Shanshui Cement to work with Conch Venture on waste utilisation projects

03 June 2019, Published under Cement News

China Shanshui Cement Group Ltd has entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with China Conch Venture Holdings Ltd to collaboratively develop projects for the treatment of industrial solid and hazardous waste by cement kilns. According to an announcement, the projects would look to use China Shanshui Cement’s production lines in Shandong and northeast China. Conch Venture is expected to supply technology and management, with both companies integrating resources to form a complete ind...