Cement News tagged under: international

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US housing statistics

24 March 2004, Published under Cement News

US housing starts in February were at a seasonally adjusted rate of 1,855,000 4.0 per cent below the revised estimate for January 2004 of 1,932,000, but 13.1 per cent above the February 2003 estimate of 1,640,000. Permits were at a seasonally adjusted rate of 1,903,000, 1.5 per cent below the revised January 2004 rate of 1,932,000 but 6.6 per cent above the February 2003 estimate. On a regional basis it was weakness in the major South (-10.6 per cent) and West (-7.5 per cent) markets which le...

Chilean Cement industry improves

24 March 2004, Published under Cement News

Empresas Melon, a subsidiary of Lafarge, forecasts a 1.8 per cent to 2.0 per cent growth for Chile’s cement industry in 2004. Melon’s forecast is however less optimistic than the 4.0 per cent growth projected by the Chilean Chamber of construction. According to Melon, the recovery of the national cement market will be counteracted by the lack of big infrastructure projects. Melon’s marketing director, expects a 50 pct year-on-year fall in the number of big infrastructure projects in Chile in...

Price rise problems

24 March 2004, Published under Cement News

India real estate builders could be heading towards tougher times with prices of steel and cement flaring up. As per a Confederation of Real Estate Developers Association of India (CREDAI) estimate, construction costs may go up by about 17.5 per cent for every 1000 sq ft if the current prices of construction raw materials like steel and cement remain same.  It is estimated that housing construction requires up to 45 bags of cement for every 100 sq ft and 3 to 3.5 kg of steel per sq ft.  At cu...

Cement consumption in Pakistan

24 March 2004, Published under Cement News

The consumption of cement in Pakistan is likely to increase to the mark of 13.02Mt by next year due to increased construction activity. According to cement industry sources, in addition to this domestic consumption, another 0.990Mt of the commodity would be exported next year, bringing the total of the demand to 14Mt. Pakistan’s cement industry’s operational capacity is also expected to reach 19.91Mt by the year 2005 against the existing level of 17.56Mt.

Shortage of sand in Korea

24 March 2004, Published under Cement News

As part of efforts to cope with a shortage of construction sand and aggregates, the South Korean government is planning to make recycling of aggregate mandatory, the Ministry of Construction and Transportation and the Ministry of Environment said today.  The shortage of aggregate worsened following a recent government crackdown on the construction sector’s use of beach sand, which was implemented to protect the environment.  Against such a backdrop, the ministries will soon commission private...

VNCC aims to keep prices stable

23 March 2004, Published under Cement News

The Vietnam Cement Corporation (VNCC) has categorically ruled out an increase in cement prices despite the rising prices of imported raw materials.  "With a responsibility to stabilise the cement market, the corporation would not raise prices and make it even more difficult for the construction sector," Nguyen Van Hanh, its general director, said last Friday.  The VNCC is the largest cement producer in the country with a 48 per cent market share. At a conference in Ho Chi Minh City last week...

Pakistani prices

23 March 2004, Published under Cement News

The All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association (APCMA) has informed the government that cement manufacturers had neither made any increase in cement prices nor had any plans to increase them in the future.  This was stated by the APCMA chairman, Tariq Saeed Saigol, in a meeting with Minister for Industries and Production, Liaquat Ali Jatoi, to review cement prices and the cement industry situation.  He said the recent increase in prices was made by the market forces because of a sudden in...

Anhui Conch eyes expansion

23 March 2004, Published under Cement News

Anhui Conch Cement expects turnover and production to be up by more than 50 per cent this year despite higher coal prices, executive director Guo Jingbin said.  Guo said 2.7 billion yuan (HK$2.54bn) will be injected into boosting cement production capacity from 30Mt to 50Mt, and dry process clinker from 23Mt to 40Mt this year.  Coal accounted for 27 per cent of the company’s total costs in 2003 and Guo expects the price to rise a further 5 per cent in 2004, on top of last year’s 9 per cent r...

New plant opened in Iran

23 March 2004, Published under Cement News

A new cement plant, with an annual capacity of 1Mt, started operating in Shiraz, the capital of Iranian southwestern province Fars, it was reported on March 22, 2004.  Another cement plant is expected to be opened in the Fars province in the Iranian calendar year, ending March 20, 2005, the deputy governor of the province in charge of planning, Fardjollah Habir, was quoted as saying.

CRH agrees to buy stake in Secil

22 March 2004, Published under Cement News

CRH plc, the international building materials group, today announced that it has reached agreement to acquire a 49 per cent equity stake in Secil, a major Portuguese manufacturer of cement and readymixed concrete. Secil is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Semapa, a publicly quoted company in Portugal. Semapa and CRH have also agreed the terms of a shareholder agreement under which they will have joint management control of Secil. The agreement is based on an enterprise value of Euro900m for 100 ...