Cement News tagged under: international

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China unlikely to cap cement prices - UBS

19 April 2011, Published under Cement News

UBS believes stronger-than-expected cement output in China (+30% on-year) indicates a solid demand recovery in March, which is also in line with the house’s recent observation that both infrastructure and real estate investment in tier 2-4 cities remain robust. "Some investors are concerned that the cement price could be capped by the government. However, we don’t think it’s likely to happen as cement price increases have a very limited impact on CPI and PPI." The house remains positive o...

Taiwan Cement’s consolidated sales double in March

19 April 2011, Published under Cement News

Driven by the consistently prosperous cement market in China, Taiwan Cement Corp.’s China subsidiary – TCC International Holding Corp - shipped 2.9Mt of cement in March, for an all-time high to help Taiwan Cement secure 105.5% growth in consolidated sales in March from the preceding month. Cement producers in Taiwan and China look set for bright prospects for the rest of this year due to increased demand, based on considerable growth in sales for Taiwan Cement and Asia Cement Corp in March ...

Cementir expects 2011 results to be in line with last year

19 April 2011, Published under Cement News

During an Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Italian-based Cementir Holding, company chairman Francesco Caltagirone Jr, highlighted the recovery in revenues of the group in the first quarter of 2011, which saw a 20% YoY increase, despite a further slowdown in the Italian market. For 2011, however, results are expected to be basically in line with 2010, due to the trend of energy costs, of the Italian market and of the uncertainty in Egypt. The chairman also mentioned ongoing projects in the ...

European construction output falls in Feb

19 April 2011, Published under Cement News

Construction in the 17-member euro region slipped 0.7 percent from January, when it advanced a revised 3.6 percent, the European Union’s statistics office in Luxembourg said today. From a year earlier, output rose 3.5 per cent. In France, the region’s second-largest economy, output fell 0.1 per cent from January, when it surged 14 percent, today’s report showed. Slovenian output fell 7.9 per cent. German production advanced 3.4 per cent after jumping 35 per cent in January. In the 27-member...

Pakistan cement producers to support SCS re-enforcement

19 April 2011, Published under Cement News

Pakistan cement manufacturers will support the re-enforcement of Supervised Clearance System (SCS) while the government should resolve illogical impediments in exports especially to Afghanistan; a statement issued by All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers’ Association (APCMA) said Tuesday. 

 Spokesman of APCMA categorically denied any misdeclaration by the members and said that as representative of cement manufacturing units across Pakistan, “APCMA fully supports the government to reinstate the...

Tunisian monthly production rises

19 April 2011, Published under Cement News

In March 2011 Tunisia produced 646,384t of cement, up six per cent on the same month last year which saw production reach 609,422t. For the first quarter of 2011, production was up 1.51 per cent, or 1.61Mt against 1.59Mt, in the same period of 2010.

Attock Cement nine month profit down 52%

19 April 2011, Published under Cement News

Attock Cement Ltd, Pakistan, has reported a profit after taxation of PKR425.3m in the 9MFY 2010-11 (July-March), compared to PKR893.4m profit in last financial year, showing a negative growth of 52.4%, despite an increase in net sales to PKR6031m from PKR5755m. Its distribution cost increased to PKR359m and administrative expenses to PKR133.3m from PKR323.4m and PKR 132.8m in the same period last year.

Argos completes Cartagena modernisation, Colombia

18 April 2011, Published under Cement News

Colombia’s largest cement firm, Cementos Argos has completed a US$400mn modernisation project at its Cartagena plant, local daily La República reported. The project included developing a fourth production line at the factory which is expected to boost Argos’ income by US$100n annually, bringing the company’s total production capacity up to 13.3Mta.

Lafarge Cement Zimbabwe upgrade programme

18 April 2011, Published under Cement News

Lafarge Cement Zimbabwe has embarked on a US$7m refurbishment programme to boost production. Managing director Jonathan Shoniwa said the stabilisation of the macro-economic environment had resulted in rising demand for his company’s products. "Our capacity utilisation is presently at 75 per cent and we want to increase it to 90 per cent this year." "We have sourced the funds for the exercise from both local and external financial sources." Mr Shoniwa said refurbishment would involve upgra...

PCA testifies EPA rules increase off-shore pollutants

18 April 2011, Published under Cement News

Testifying today before the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Aris Papadopoulos, CEO of Titan America and chair of the Portland Cement Association (PCA), appealed to Congress to take immediate action to replace onerous regulations with policies that promote job growth, investment certainty and responsible environmental stewardship. 
Led by Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY), chair of the Subcommittee on Energy and Power, the hearings sought to assess the impact of recent EPA rulemakings on...