Cement News tagged under: petcoke

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Freight rates have potential to go higher after consolidation

26 April 2023, Published under Cement News

By Brannvoll ApS, Denmark The USG Supramax freight market was taking a breather as charterers stepped away after the push in rates observed last month. Rates were slipping due to a lack of fronthaul activity. While the shipping volumes of transatlantic cargoes were steady, the lack of outbound grain and petcoke stems halted the market’s upwards trajectory. Figure 1: Supramax freight rates for petcoke from Houston, USA, March 2019-April 2023 As shown in Figure 1, freight ra...

Very low petcoke discounts may lead to switch to coal

08 March 2023, Published under Cement News

The price of a barrel of oil has returned to the lower end of the US$80-88 range. Gas prices were also down on the back of warm weather forecasts and the Turkey-Syria earthquakes, which are cooling demand. Coal prices continue to slip lower, along with other sources in the energy complex, as the fear of recession persists. The stable price of petcoke and very low discounts are expected to lead to fuel switches towards coal. The 6.5 per cent S petcoke FOB contract sold at US$137 while t...

Oil in narrow range while coal continues lower – petcoke pressured lower as discounts fall sharply

28 February 2023, Published under Cement News

By Frank O. Brannvoll, Brannvoll ApS, Denmark The markets are still dominated by hawkish statements from central banks due to the stubbornly high inflation both in the USA and Europe. Expectations see rates climb still higher and for a longer period. However, the good news is that a recession may be avoided. In the energy markets, the G7 round of new sanctions on Russian refined products do not seem to have had any major impact. The markets are locked between the China reopening and th...

USG freight rates sharply down due to lack of cargoes

27 February 2023, Published under Cement News

By Brannvoll ApS, Denmark The USG Supramax freight market was in free-fall throughout January amid a severe lack of new cargo offers for spot delivery dates. Despite the gradual return of Asia-based chartering managers from their Lunar New Year holidays, the USG Supramax segment kept weakening as reduced tonnage supply in the region put pressure on shipowners. Therefore, owners continued to drop their offers. However, charterers’ bids were even lower day by day and as a result, rates saw ...

Oil and coal are falling, petcoke climbs higher

23 February 2023, Published under Cement News

By Frank O. Brannvoll, Brannvoll ApS, Denmark Another month with the European Central Bank (ECB) and the US Federal Reserve in focus: in the US the interest rate has been increased by 0.25 per cent while the ECB notched up the rate by 0.5 per cent. However, inflation seems stubbornly high. Therefore, it is expected that rates will increase further and remain high for some time with fears of a recession continuing albeit to a lesser degree. The IMF has adjusted global growth up by 0.2 per...

USG freight market stabilised by end of year

02 February 2023, Published under Cement News

By Brannvoll ApS, Denmark The USG Supramax freight market went through ups and downs in December. In the first half of the month, the USG segment showed a steady flow of fresh enquiries. Owners started to raise their offers in response to an abundance of fronthaul petcoke cargoes combined with a decent volume of grains. Closer to the end of the month, sentiment started changing: activity levels decreased with minimal vessels left open for the rest of the month, while all the cargoes were ...

Petcoke prices rising on growing demand while coal is falling as supply increases

01 February 2023, Published under Cement News

By Frank O. Brannvol, Brannvoll ApS, Denmark lAs China reopens, oil is finding support, seeing a recovery in oil prices to surpass the US$85 mark. The warm winter in Europe and lower gas prices are taking off the pressure for demand in the region. However, Russia’s discount is still in place for countries that do not sanction Russian gas supplies (China, India and Turkey). Meanwhile, coal prices are falling as supply increases and demand is dropping as the fear of recession impacts mark...

Energy demand drops, lowering oil, gas and coal prices with petcoke discounts back in neutral

26 January 2023, Published under Cement News

By Frank O. Brannvoll, Brannvoll ApS, Denmark The central banks continued interest rate hikes with 0.50 per cent in December, promising more to come. This has led to greater expectations of recession and falling demand, and in combination with thin trading in December, the overall energy index has fallen. The EU has introduced windfall profits on power producers and maximum gas prices. In Europe the winter has also been unusually warm for December and January, lowering heating demand. ...

USG freight market sees softening rates

23 January 2023, Published under Cement News

By Brannvoll ApS, Denmark USG Supramax freight market sentiment throughout the month was about negative undertones due to a somewhat thinner cargo book. Rates for shipments from the region were softening with more tonnage entering the market and owners having to chase bids and discount if they want to cover. Demand levels were below average for the time of year, mainly due to the ongoing logistic issues in the Mississippi River, where low draught issues complicate barge traffic and slow d...

Winter and sanctions lifts coal and gas in Europe – petcoke discounts attractive again as petcoke drops slightly

18 January 2023, Published under Cement News

By Frank O. Brannvoll, Brannvoll ApS, Denmark Inflation remains high and central banks continue to increase interest rates albeit at a slower pace. This has now led to widespread expectations of recession not only in the EU, which is hurt by energy sanctions, but also in the US as its Federal Reserve maintains a very aggressive stance. The oil market has fallen below US$80, but is decoupled from the gas and coal markets, which are disrupted by the energy sanctions on Russia. The inc...